Some 30 Chinese gay and lesbian activists in Beijing staged a mock wedding photo session on Feb 14 - Valentine's Day - to canvas for acceptance of same-sex relationships and marriage, reported Chinese gender and health web site Aibai.
Organisers gave out roses and flyers to onlookers to promote social acceptance of same-sex relationships and support of same-sex marriage laws. For the past few years sociologist Li Yinhe has been submitting proposals at the People's Congress to enact same-sex marriage legislation.
The Aibai report noted that for some passersby, it might be the first time they have met a gay or lesbian person in real life.
Although China does not specifically criminalise same-sex sexual acts and homosexuality is no longer officially considered a mental disorder, it is seldom discussed outside of city centres.
A female participant who asked to be identified as Dan Na said that while many opposite sex couples are openly going on dates on Valentine's Day, many same-sex couples are afraid to appear to be doing so.
The 24-year-old hopes for the event to have helped increase the visibility of gay men and lesbians, and that they are not much different from everyone else.
Zhang Yi, a 25-year-old male participant who posed with his parter Hai Bei, told reporters that like many other opposite-sex couples, gay couples too want to form a family unit with a loved one and for some, even taking a real wedding picture is a realisation of that dream.
chris (Malaysia)
p.s- Who are the 2 ladies? They're soooo pretty ;)))
so much honesty and class here . .. respect, peace and the right way to do things
other people should take notes on what is going on here . ..
glad Mainland Chinese have a lot more class, style, attitude and good taste in wedding attire
hey, Connor will throw you a nice wedding reception, let's talk!
We only ever hear the negative press out of China, never the positive stuff like this.
& their accented English. Yet they've managed to outclass us time & again with guts & character.
Salut all u brave activists out there!
Send my regards to Didier Zheng too ;)
The Muslims here do not quite like the people from Middle East as they believe they are from the land where God walked and therefore they are greater...NOBODY like obnoxious arrogant bastards. NOBODY. No matter what they do....they are still people we should be wary about when we do business with them. Too many of them in their country, lives don't mean much to them, you think they care to strike a fair deal...without them making 100% profit and you bear all the loss. So they put a mock up of gay marriage.....BIG deal! They cannot do it if the country is a Muslim or Christian majority. The same reason why Thailand is a land of sex and sin while Philippines and Indonesia do it hush hush...all 3 countries have poor folks who would sell their butts for money.
Yes, lesbian marriage...that would work. Emotional ties. Gay marriage...that wouldn't work, ruled by testerone and sex drive, more divorces there to make manly lawyers of any gender, race or sexual preferance...laughing to the bank.
Such a creative way of getting the message across to people, its a pity it wont get the press coverage that it deserves, well done guy and gals. Great idea, they should try this in Singapore next as they seem to be stuck in the days of Oscar Wilde :P
I am a Singaporean and go to Beijing to visit my boyfriend and happen to be at Tainanmen on that day 14th Feb to witness it.
I received a rose from 1 guy too.
When will Singapore allow to have this type of event openly??????????
It will treated as a farce, like all public performances. So yes, I think we can do it here too, if we so wish.
Kudos to our Chinese brothers and sisters though for doing that. Way cool! And I must congratulate the Chinese government. Beijing - at least, even if it is not that way yet in China's other cities - has a gay television programme. Beijing Uni has a Gender Studies course, not just modules. They are way ahead of Singapore already.
Every single report of tolerance and gradual acceptance in the world of homosexual love, sex and marriage, from both developed and developing nations is leaving us in the dust and makes us look bad.
If an issue of same sex love is so difficult for our leadership to surmount, it makes you wonder, what else can they not get their head around that is stopping us from developing as a society?
NB: I think Brownhard's comments on many of his postings are imappropriate and contain racist and sexist elements. I have reported his posting to Fridae a few times and do not understand why I have had no response so far. His responses and comments are a a direct violation of Fridae's terms of agreement Section 9.2 and the entire Section 10. See also his comments on Alex Au which are defamatory and subject to libel.
gd for them, blessings;p