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15 Sep 2009

Indonesia's Aceh province to allow 100 lashings and jail for gays


Reinforcing its already strict Islamic ordinances, Aceh's draconian new laws will allow adulterers to be stoned to death while homosexuals will face public lashings and jail.


Legislators in the devoutly Muslim province of Aceh have passed the Islamic criminal code on Monday, allowing adulterers to be stoned to death. Homosexuals (including lesbians) and those caught having pre-marital sex will face up to 100 strokes with a cane and a prison term of up to eight years, say media reports.

Top: The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh, the first mosque is said by some to have been built in the 13th Century. Aceh is believed to be the first place in Indonesia where Islam took root, brought by traders from the Middle East centuries ago.
According to The Jakarta Post, the ordinance will take effect within 30 days and will be applicable to both Muslims and non-Muslims. It further reports that the new bylaws did not include corruption, thefts and bribery as punishable crimes.
Located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra, Aceh enjoys semi-autonomy from the central Indonesian government and one of 33 provinces in Indonesia to employ Sharia (Islamic law). A version of Sharia that was introduced in Aceh in 2001 already bans gambling and drinking alcohol, and makes it compulsory for women to wear headscarves.
Although the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami killed 130,000 there, the disaster helped trigger a peace agreement between the separatist Free Aceh Movement and the Indonesian government after three decades of civil war that claimed 15,000 lives.
The bill was passed despite strong objections from human rights groups and the province's deputy governor, who said the legislation needed more careful consideration because it imposes a new form of capital punishment.
Destika Gilang Lestari, a human rights activist, was quoting as saying by Al Jazeera: "There are much more important sharia laws we need, for example against corruption. Why is there no rule against corruption? Why do they only look into people’s private lives?"
The new laws also imposes sentences and fines, to be paid in kilograms of gold, for rape and pedophilia. 
Indonesia is the the world's most-populous Muslim country, with nearly 90 per cent of the population following Islam.


1. 2009-09-15 20:00  
u gotta to be fucking joking...you want another round of tsunami?
2. 2009-09-15 20:34  
Yes, another earthquake and tsunami please, big enough to wipe out the entire province. This time don't expect any donation from me.
修改於2009-09-15 20:34:32
3. 2009-09-15 20:44  
Dont worry .. with next natural disaster let Allah help them .. but unfortunately Australians never learn .. this country should be boicotted and economic sanctions imposed on them !! Never been there and have no intention to go .. hope more Australians thinking like me but unfortunately this is not the case .. Bali is like second Bondi !
4. 2009-09-15 20:57  
Wow, thanks a lot Indonesia & your Allah for ruining my day.

The hope for another tsunami to strike your province may be a tad too harsh, but I guess a big ass wave will tally with our level of frustration.

Well, at least I'm happy to be pretty sure I will never be able to see a peaceful, 'forward thinking' Indonesia in my time, & I do not wish to see it happen. YDI.
5. 2009-09-15 21:03  
Stoning, lashing, jail term for homosexual. It alway the kettle calling the pot black. How about stoning for corruption, lashing for man marrying many wives and jail for condemnation of people which God created. Stop this and concentrate on the well being of your people.
6. 2009-09-15 21:05  
if you really your God, Your Allah, your Spirit, your Religi, you must let them to free as human right for them..
You dont need to destroyed gays/Lesbian, let it be God for destroyed not the Religion or Country to destroyed a gays or Lesbia also what a kind anything else..
so, it is mean Your Religion very killer man ,adultery
not religion to Punished but a God!!
if you believe it
7. 2009-09-15 21:09  
Some of my own musings...
Firstly, isn't the Indonesian Constitution secular?

Secondly, if point 1 is so, how can the Sharia be applicable to non-Muslims? Whatever happened to the injunctions in the Al Quran:
"To you be your Way, and to me mine.
Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.
You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion."

"There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way.
And so, (O Prophet!) exhort them your task is only to exhort; you cannot compel them to believe.
And tell my servants that they should speak in a most kindly manner (unto those who do not share their beliefs)..."

Thirdly, is Acheh regarding itself as above the national constitution and the Panca Sila? Is might=right the current mindset now? Are they imposing the actual Sharia or their own tribal version of the Sharia like in some places elsewhere?

Fourthly, are some quarters confusing 'Muslim Majority' as an 'Islamic State'? The former merely meant that a large majority of the country are Muslims and the latter means that the Sharia is the supreme law of the land and the civil law is either suspended or made subservient to the Sharia hence giving rise to the notion of not 'Muslims living in Indonesia’, but ‘Indonesians as Muslims’?

Fifthly, my condolences to all GLBTI brethren who have to live under such conditions. Looks like it's gonna be a case of either fleeing that province or live in suppression under them...

8. 2009-09-15 21:14  
What a very very sad situation....while I respect other countries and their right to decide their own laws, this is an absolute joke....no one should be punished for their own private life....The Indonesian federal government should take more responsibility in assuring that all its citizens regardless of religion preference are able to live freely. This kind of Islam is more of a cult then a religion.....horrible...you know its kinda ironic that Indonesia's motto is "Unity in Diversity".....
9. 2009-09-15 21:37  
WHAT?! @ #8.

Their motto is a JOKE. A BIG FAT JOKE.

My stomach flipped.
10. 2009-09-15 21:50  
Did I read correctly? Someone (or several) has wished another tsunami or earthquake on the people of Aceh over enactment of these specific Shari'a laws? Is it not bad enough that some Acehnese will suffer greatly as a result of being or acting differently than proscribed by conservative religious elements.

Do we fortunate people, from our generally more comfortable, safe lives really need to be even more unkind, uncompassionate, self-righteous, to be even more hateful as those elements? Clearly, the ultra-conservative religious and moral elements are not the sole domicile of Ignorance and Intolerance. Sadly, it appears Ignorance and Intolerance are to be found everywhere....
11. 2009-09-15 22:28  
#10, if the 2004 tsunami didnt teach them to treasure and love their own country men and women, i dun think anything will...why waste a spot on earth...?
回應#12於於2009-09-15 22:29被作者刪除。
13. 2009-09-15 22:28  
i wanna be jailed there like for 1 week..lol
14. 2009-09-15 22:40  
Passing this draconian law, it goes to prove how much ignorance prevails in regions influenced by Muslim laws; they are certainly behind the time; now more that ever, we, the international community, must speak out against it and support any efforts by our gay-brothers and lesbian-sisters to promoting a more tolerant society.
15. 2009-09-15 22:42  
tsunami that country if you will but not malaysia please!
16. 2009-09-15 22:47  
I despair and think about my Indonesian friend, thankfully he does not live in the specific region.

My problems pale into insignificance.

17. 2009-09-15 22:53  
c'mon, we all saw this coming; all the west friendly media criticised indonesia for their clampdown on islamic fundamentalists in the region and demanded that the acehese have the right to self determination.
we were quick to judge and now the acehese are even quicker to effect their brand of God's law. malaysia is just a straits away and with strong familial roots with aceh; things are not looking up in malaysia for queers.
18. 2009-09-15 23:23  
That show that people using or abusing religion at extreme level. Their live are extremely dominated by religion till they closed their eyes towards humanity. These people are the one that need to be cleaned their spiritual. Its evil to ever think and enforce such harsh punishment. And what i don't understand how come non-believer also faced the same punishment? is this religion for spiritual needs or religion about punishment?
The existing perception that this religion is related to terrorist and extremist will be hard to be erased even more. More and more people around the world (non believer) will have bad perception and getting more confused about this religion. While they are trying hard to change the world perception after 9/11, this kind of actions totally sabotaj their hope. All the good things that they always proud of , will be ruined by such extreme action.

Why they bother on people private lives?They don' t have other things to do in their lives? Why they played God to punish people??Let God do his own job.

World should condemned such actions loudly and boycott whatever product produced by this province. From my observation, I think it is so common certain countries ask their citizens to boycott Western products when there is a conflict. May be the world can applied the same thing to send a strong message to Aceh.

19. 2009-09-15 23:30  
well, thats oledi expected, aceh is the only place of all indon occupied regions which can apply syariah/islamic law, while other places remained secular law which homosexuality is not considered as ilegal/forbidded
so more or less similar to conditon, or maybe they do imitate the law from islamic country like iran
so, let them be lah, if any our homosexual frens there feel supressed and intimidated, just move to other regions, like here, and proudly being a homosexual person
20. 2009-09-15 23:52  
whatever it is..we can't do anything about it.. gays in indonesia -- the best thing to do is to go out from your country.. you guys are not accepted why stay there..

thank god i'm from philippines
21. 2009-09-15 23:56  
ah yes, yet another sad tale of the horrible abuses cast upon humanity in the name of religion....Allah, God, Rah, Buddha....the name we use to address the power that created us, our world, and this universe doesn't really matter. And apparently, among the powerful religious, in many cases, neither do Human Rights. My Travel Log has two parts: Part A...beautiful gay-friendly places to see before I die. Part B....places to avoid because of the high risk of being stoned, jailed, tortured or put to death because I'm a fag.....and let me check....yep, Aceh is correctly listed near the TOP of Part B.
22. 2009-09-15 23:58  
and P.S.: Allah, God, Rah, Buddha, Universe: please bless our beautiful gay brothers and sisters in Aceh, and keep them safe from harm.
23. 2009-09-16 00:11  
I agree. If gay get out or it will be bad.
24. 2009-09-16 00:38  
Why should any non-Muslim be subjected to Sharia law? If the Acehnese Muslims wish to flog, stone or cut-off the limbs of their fellow Acehnese Muslims, let them do it. But don't subject non-Muslim Acehnese to these barbaric religious laws. Thank Allah I'm not Muslim!
25. 2009-09-16 01:00  
To quote Lestari, "There are much more important sharia laws we need, for example against corruption. Why is there no rule against corruption? Why do they only look into people’s private lives?" Corruption is so rampant in that country. The religionists want to obey the part of God's law that does not apply to them. Then watch the Big Religion Boss of Aceh go philandering around and wiggle out of getting stoned to death. Guaranteed. Indonesian lawmakers would be fools to let this go uchallenged. Indonesia will likely break up subsequently and become a failed state. International security is now at risk. I am sure STRATFOR, a world affairs outfit out of Austin, has something to say. See www.stratfor.com, and get on their email list for free updates on this developing situation. As for Andre25, I agree, I would also be thanking God (capital "G", please) I' were from or in the Philippines. Overwhelmingly a Christian nation demographically, they don't legalize murder of people because of sexual orientation, regardless of whether they think positively or negatively of it. Thank God I am a Christian!!
26. 2009-09-16 01:00  
To quote Lestari, "There are much more important sharia laws we need, for example against corruption. Why is there no rule against corruption? Why do they only look into people’s private lives?" Corruption is so rampant in that country. The religionists want to obey the part of God's law that does not apply to them. Then watch the Big Religion Boss of Aceh go philandering around and wiggle out of getting stoned to death. Guaranteed. Indonesian lawmakers would be fools to let this go uchallenged. Indonesia will likely break up subsequently and become a failed state. International security is now at risk. I am sure STRATFOR, a world affairs outfit out of Austin, has something to say. See www.stratfor.com, and get on their email list for free updates on this developing situation. As for Andre25, I agree, I would also be thanking God (capital "G", please) I' were from or in the Philippines. Overwhelmingly a Christian nation demographically, they don't legalize murder of people because of sexual orientation, regardless of whether they think positively or negatively of it. Thank God I am a Christian!!
27. 2009-09-16 01:36  
it is a sad moment for Acehnesee, Indonesian and GLBT community worldwide. Lets send a strong message to the Indonesian Government and all Government around the world to respect the UN Human Rights Declaration and separate religion and race from politics. Secular countries progress and vice versa.
28. 2009-09-16 01:38  
A very sad day indeed for Aceh. This reenactment of a medieval law in the name of a religion is a step back from a civilized world. However, the Bylaw (jinayat) does not include thefts, bribery, corruption as punishable crimes. Instead adulterers, homosexuals, showing affection in public between non married couple is a serious crime punishable by death. Are these religious hypocrites delirious?? This is truly a religion rewritten by a few mankind with an agenda for their own benefit. Religion should be progressive with time but instead it has shifted gear further in reverse.
The irony of all religious hypocrisies that this part of the world was actually wiped out by a Tsunami. And aids from all over the world has poured in to rebuild Aceh while modern changes can make this place a truly livable province. That vision is overshadowed by a few religious zealots who expect everyone in Aceh to live in the dark ages.
29. 2009-09-16 02:14  
I see this and it saddens me.. I have worked in relief and assistance in Aceh .. and the people are good and genuine.. They feel suffering as we all do.. The muslim fanatics and muslims setting such laws are usually uneducated in the art of thinking and just follow an archaic lot of scribblings from a period some 1400 years ago..
30. 2009-09-16 02:40  
Unbelievable. Inhumane treatment under the name of Islam. Since when believing in god condones torture or pain to human beings. Just make me lose respect for these people.
31. 2009-09-16 04:14  
send them some episodes of Glee over there to their government, and men stay strong and cheerful and continue to love each other in face of prosecution, actually wholesome relationships are back again in style so make the most of it since Indo guys are great people, they will survive and thrive despite these issues, just be discreet... flourish, galvanize and grow and just be smart
32. 2009-09-16 04:16  
Even as Indonesian, most of us who lives in other and more advance islands, we feel very much ashamed to our government for passing this bill.

It is sending us directly back to the middle ages! And yet there are more things that law can be improved instead of keep on meddling in our personal life.

I personally believe there is a reason for everything and there is a reason why God swept away Aceh with tsunami couple years ago. That is one place that really need to be mentally cleanse!
33. 2009-09-16 04:26  
Woohoo, another country gone retro.
How lovely the government is to incorporate discriminations into the law.
I doubt the corruption there will cease in the near future but instead increase by a significant amount with the implementation of this law as it is probably easily abusable.

If they are moving in the direction that their Allah wants - more corruption, less justice and freedom - i can only pray that other Muslim countries/provinces wouldn't adopt the same mindset.

Oh by the way, another tsunami or natural disaster won't help change their mindset i guess, but i sincerely hope implementations would impact their economy and make it crash in the near future though.
34. 2009-09-16 04:37  
Remind me not go or spend my time and money there.
35. 2009-09-16 06:33  
"The new laws also imposes sentences and fines, to be paid in kilograms of gold, for rape and pedophilia "

I wonder who gets to pocket the gold? The f$*k lawmakers?

and shouldn't rapist and pedophiles get stoned and jailed? wow.. so i guess even in crime, "gay" crime gets the worst lashing?
36. 2009-09-16 08:02  
Hmm Aceh , isn't that the place that was struck by the tsunami few years ago and the world gave money to help them ?? Well FUCK THEM. They didnt learn their lesson from God then , they should perhaps suffer another catastrophy again. Anyone who discriminates and kills or punishes in the name of religion these days should get some of their own medicine from their own God, Allah or what the fuck they believe in. Disgusting Race !
37. 2009-09-16 08:18  
firstly, this law is only applicable specifically to aceh, not the whole indonesia and the indonesian government can't do much about this, aceh has a semi-autonomy government and the last thing the indonesian government wants is to see them rebel one more time if the federal government do something about this.
Anyway, some analysts have said that this law will be toned down eventually, because the conservative Muslim parties will be replaced by a more moderate parliament in two weeks time following an election defeat.

secondly, i believe indonesia (apart form this screwed-up province) is far way better in terms of GLBT rights than malaysia or singapore. At least being gay in indonesia is NOT illegal and we can see quite a lot of GLBT movements in jakarta, surabaya, and other big cities. Beside that, we can see a lot of GLBT people in the entertainment industry, and most of them are well accepted by the majority of the Indonesians.

Lastly, as an Indonesian myself, I can only suggest you guys to avoid this province like plague, I've never stepped on that land and never will.
38. 2009-09-16 09:06  
Considering I have relatives in Medan, this is interesting to me. It's basically a warning to turn 'straight' should I go visit. Damn, now how am I going to get my aunt to hand over those beautiful batik cloths....

Acheh has always been the most conservative Muslim area within the entire nation of Indonesia. And considering some of the autonomy granted specifically to them by their government, one of the points of the cease fire with the Gerakan Acheh Merdeka (GAM), it's not exactly surprising.

Indonesia's a large country, and only the province of Acheh declares homosexuality a crime under their provincial law.

So if you must, head towards the isle of Jawa then, and avoid Sumatera. Not that hard.

Trust me, you're not missing much.
39. 2009-09-16 09:17  
Exactly what era is Indonesia living in?
Stoning is so 1800s..next they will bring back the guillotine.

I can only hope that their god will forgive them.
40. 2009-09-16 10:05  
i jjust spent 4 years in indonesia and went also to ache
there are more than the world 10% average of gays in indonesia
the real problem is religion so stop religions now
islam want us dead . i want all religions dead
not the poepple just the stupid system ruled by old perverted men
who impose their stupit thougts on women and othere they do not understand
I do not understant how a intelligent human can beleive in religious lies , there is not gods . at the time of the tsunami on memri TV the stupid old muslim preachers said it was gods way to puniosh the perverted gays.i not thisnk there was perverted gays there why did not god strike amsterdam or soho london . religious leaders are stupid and dengerous
41. 2009-09-16 10:09  
government is always awesome,
for gay community there, should be more careful in sociality.
unity is always a great power where assemble strength throughout the
whole country.
gay community should build more clubs as a place to unite, solutions gradually will turn out there to be representatives like how politic parties advocate their rights to parliament...
42. 2009-09-16 11:13  
Really ? Is it true ? if yes , maybe for local rules, but i don't think so coz Islam is peace.
43. 2009-09-16 11:25  
I respect people's rights to religous belief but when the religion they hide behind to pursecute people are as draconian as these laws currently are, then they are not human beings but cowards. How long can this barbaric law that these religious zealots promote exist? Supression of women, punishment for sexual choice and on and on. They are making themselves look foolish every day in the eyes of the world. If the world waits long enought they will turn on themselves and self destruct. One can only hope it will happen soon.
Good ridence to control by force and fear!
44. 2009-09-16 14:12  
horrifying...gotta adjust my travel wishlist again....
45. 2009-09-16 15:03  
I wonder if there were any gay volunteers that assisted in their 'disaster'. Would a religious zealot stop speaking to his momma if she'd gotten saved by a gay doctor?
46. 2009-09-16 15:22  
Someone needs to tell them its 2009 and not 1309....
47. 2009-09-16 15:45  
#42...If Islam is 'peace'. Then stonings, lashings and beheadings as punishments in Sharia law must be must be the ultimate expression of a peaceful act.

修改於2009-09-16 23:05:55
48. 2009-09-16 16:20  
修改於2009-09-16 17:09:20
49. 2009-09-16 17:10  
50. 2009-09-16 17:10  
dont go there and spend your money is the best way to punish them
修改於2009-09-16 17:14:13
51. 2009-09-16 17:49  
i don't know which is more horrifying... the new laws in Aceh, or the vast majority of the comments here (with the exception of #10 of course, which seems to go unnoticed anyway, save for the absurd tirade that comes right after it)
Both I guess... because obviously the evils behind Aceh's new laws are basically the same as the ones which prompted 90% of these comments ie ignorance, intolerance, lack of education, intellectual and moral laziness, selfishness, fear and hate of what we don't understand, generalization, hypocrisy, to name but a few.
We're called "human beings" but we're born just "beings"... humanity is not a given, and for most it just never seems to happen.
52. 2009-09-16 17:52  
Educated people should boycott.
53. 2009-09-16 17:53  
There's a more informative article on this in The Independent:

"With only weeks to go before a new government led by a moderate party takes over in Aceh province, hard-liners still in control of the regional parliament yesterday pushed through legislation to impose steep punishments for adultery and homosexuality...."

54. 2009-09-16 18:12  
poor acehnese, so move out from Aceh right now, move to another city in Indonesia! leave Aceh, go go!! before they catch you guys!!
55. 2009-09-16 18:24  
It's amazing, 2009.
There are at least three kinds of sex.
Religieus leaders and goverments have to deal with it.
The situation in Banda Aceh is for gay's like terror.
They are so scared.
In July 2009 a men named Ikbal almost killed his ex after a relationship of 3 years living together on a other place.
Ikbal get confused, he Moslim his partner was Christian.
He blamed his ex that he is like Satan and that he turned him into the bad person he is now. They made love for many years, licking, sucking and fucking.
Ikbal was 'a real men, and also fucked outside of his relationship what make his ex confused.
And why, THE FAMILY OF IKBAL WANT HIM TO MARRIED A LADY, a famely, children, being 'normal'.
Meaning NORMAL what ?
Making a women unhappy because she will never find out what real passion and love is. Everybody needs it, it's given in our instinct, we have to listen to that to feel happy and free.
And then Ikbal, have to lie, every day, for the rest of his life, terrible, thats not what that what created us wanted.
Also being gay is created.
Since the 22th of July, 08.35 Sumatera time a new Astrological period started. The period is named RENEWING.
Out of name of 'Bilangan Delapan',
56. 2009-09-16 18:45  
57. 2009-09-16 18:50  
58. 2009-09-16 18:53  
where is the central government of Indonesia? Are they that powerless? By default, they are allowing Aceh to become, in effect, a Taliban state. This is unacceptable. What about the general populace in Aceh? Are they such fanatics that they accept this? Or are they all living in fear?
59. 2009-09-16 20:09  
#58: Unfortunately, yes, the central government in Jakarta is virtually powerless over this particular province, Aceh. Sad, but true.
60. 2009-09-16 20:18  
#38: Medan is not part of aceh.
61. 2009-09-16 22:23  
Yes, agreed. Another tsunami plzz... Amen. I tot Islam cannot force people one.. ??
修改於2009-09-16 22:24:14
62. 2009-09-16 23:48  
Stupid laws and medieval mentality!!!
63. 2009-09-17 00:26  
#60: Thanks for that clarification.

Now I'm wondering that since this is against the Pancasila (2,3,5), can the central government do something?
64. 2009-09-17 03:16  
Guys, we all know that thi sis not right but the reaction shouldn't be about tsunami or boycotting. It's not going to do anything. It's better to protest, lobbying the local government and opens a dialogue. Positive attitudes usually are usually easier to listen to.
65. 2009-09-17 04:38  
To all those immature people here who have wished for another tsunami to "wipe out" the region - you are no better than the stoners!
It would be the oridnary people of Aceh who would suffer from any natural disaster - gay people amongst them.
The purile attitudes displayed by some here is a really bad reflection of the intellectual capacities of some fridae users - who need to grow up and get real.
66. 2009-09-17 06:47  
Won't be going there for my holidays, not that I intend to. I personally boycott all Muslim countries because if that is how they think of me then I rather not give them my time or money.
67. 2009-09-17 09:25  
#66: Indonesia is not a muslim country, unlike malaysia, it is a secular state based on Pancasila.If Indonesia ever became muslim country, it would cease to exist, evaporating almost instantaneously, the country would break into pieces.
68. 2009-09-17 09:48  
I have read another Indonesian newspaper that said the laws haven't been passed yet, but are still under consideration.

I know the Indonesian government has given Aceh some autonomy to enact sharia law, which has since promoted peace in the region, but I think they need to step in and override any laws that are discriminatory or anyway impede human rights.

Respect each other and let us be!
69. 2009-09-17 09:56  
Comment #65 THUMBS UP !!!! thanks for saying this and welcome to a club that unfortunately has VERY FEW members !!!
70. 2009-09-17 10:34  
the hate for gays is real
i was there
we defended a guy who ws urinated on in public and beaten
with the gay right group agus pelangi
it is severly entranched hatred of muslims againts gays we are talking about
and there are getting one step closer to killing us .
i cna understand the anger but wish peace for all
but cannot and will not respect the teachings of islam taht say stonne the gays to death.
71. 2009-09-17 16:01  
Perhaps Aceh is the one who needs to grow up & GET REAL, #65. =)
72. 2009-09-20 03:02  
Nope it is you Lokies who needs to grow up. A (very) little knowledge is a (very) dangerous thing.
73. 2009-09-20 08:05  
I'm an Indonesian living in Vancouver. Before I moved to Canada, I lived my life as gay man happily in Indonesia. I was very active in gay society/community all over Java. Since there's not really much to work on, I did a research about how general society's attitude, both traditional and modern, towards homosexuality in Indonesia. The result was pretty surprising for me.
As far as I know, there's no law/regulation against homosexuality whatsoever in Indonesia. It's not legal, yet it's not illegal either. Cases that I dealt with mostly were related to accepting themselves as gay men and how to deal with their families. Throughout those years, I only found one case of gay bashing, which I thought, it was also the gay guy's fault for wanting to get gangbanged by a bunch of straight guys. Based on my personal experiences and the research I did, I still believe that Indonesia is an adequate country for homosexuals. In this respect, Indonesia is still a better place to live for gays than a couple of its neighboring countries who have evident strict written law against homosexuality.
The central government has given a total autonomy to each province to govern its region since several years ago. Aceh has taken the opportunity by trying to pass the Islamic law for it is the most Islam province of all provinces in Indonesia. How this law treats homosexuals is as bad as it treats other human beings. Women, for example, will be detained in prison for wearing jeans and tight shirts. To put it bluntly, this law recognizes no justice or fairness for all. It only protects the religious ones, namely muslims. They believe it's the law of God that they receive.
The central government has never approved to pass the Islamic law. At least not yet, although it's been brought up over and over again for so many years. I believe, there's no chance that this law will become national. If it were, there would be no Indonesia for the Eastern parts of Indonesia would strongly oppose it. The risk, there would be no Indonesia for sure.
Aceh is indeed a place that all homosexuals on earth try not to visit. I have never been interested in visiting or doing anything there. In fact, I didn't really care of what happened there until the tsunami attacked. As a human being with a heart & a brain, I felt obliged to help "a little".
You can delete Aceh from your "gay map". You can totally ignore the existence of this small province. But you also have to know and remember that there are Islamic countries (bigger than a province) in this world with their strong, firm and strict Islamic regulations that treat homosexuals and people in general unfairly. I guess focusing your harsh thoughts to Aceh only is just not right. Wishing for another tsunami to strike Aceh is also too much. You have to remember (especially LOKIES), Aceh is way too close to your country. If the tsunami did strike Aceh, you would get the impact as well :-)) I agree with #72, you need to read, to learn, and to understand and to grow up.
74. 2009-09-20 16:51  
A tsunami hitting aceh, with epicentrum in the eastern side of the island will hit not only Aceh, but also south of Thailand, Malaysian peninsula and will surely wipe out Singapore out of the world map in less than 1 hour.. Tsunami from the western side, like last time, will also effect up until Phuket, then India..
Please guys, be careful of what you're wishing for.
回應#75於於2009-09-21 01:43被作者刪除。
76. 2009-09-21 01:42  
The Aceh government has refused to sign this law ;)
77. 2009-09-21 02:19  
this is just 'LOVELY'....i fucking 'love' islam!!
78. 2009-09-22 11:33  
sounds like a paradise for those into S/M
meantime, sisters keep you butts out of harms way
修改於2009-09-22 11:34:33
回應#79於於2009-09-22 20:19被作者刪除。
80. 2009-09-22 20:22  
There is no way to dialogue with any religious or political extremists they are not Democratic they are just like the Catholic church and Al Qaeda they are autocratic theocracies and just as narrow and dictatorial as our like wise one dimensional 'queer fanatics' yes folks we have our own nutters too, the best thing is to boycott goods or services from countries that are brutal and homophobic, to let our politicians know we aren’t voting for them if they continue to put business ahead of any kind of human rights, we the buying public have immense power the potential to bring any nation to it's economic knees if we just collectively decide to be discerning about where our cash goes, there are so many innocent children in Aceh why wish another Tsunami on them it's the adults and the fanatics at fault, do Asian kids lives not matter they are expendable for our equally violent self-righteous out-rage? Shameful may be racist? Definitely prejudiced statements and allowed on Frieday it seems.
81. 2011-08-25 05:20  
My very good (and gay) friend is a Doctor from Penang and he volunteered helping them after the Tsunami. These people give Islam a bad name!




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