The Jakarta Globe reported:
Indonesia’s top Islamic body reiterated on Friday that homosexuality is an abuse of human rights and demanded the government ban an ongoing gay and lesbian film festival.

It also condemned foreign cultural centres for showing the films at private screenings, three days after angry Muslims held protests outside the venues.
“We reject the screening of the films which contain gay and homosexual lives as they are against Islamic and Indonesian cultural values,” Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI) chairman Ma’ruf Amin said.
Communications Minister Tifatul Sembiring on Wednesday posted comments on microblogging website Twitter blaming “perverted sex acts” for the spread of AIDS, and quoted a Koranic verse about stoning homosexuals.
In a statement, the Ulema Council said homosexuality was “against human rights because human rights were given by God basically for pairs of men and women to legally marry... Same-sex marriage is haram [forbidden].”
Amin called on the government’s censorship body to “firmly ban” the festival, echoing similar calls from hard-line extremists.
Also check out whether the anti-gay activities started up after the first Megachurch opened in Jakarta in 2008 - first service it had it used to attack homosexuals. Did the islamic extremists pick this up from the Megachurches maybe?
One is more crudely primitive, the other more 'sophisticated' bt just as vile...I leave you to guess which ones! ;-)
Why do people believe all this religious nonsense which propagates so much hatred and intollerance of others? The scriptures they base it on, whether it be the bible or the koran, are proven to be full of contradictions, written by men ignorant of today's scientific knowledge and understanding. Dawkins illustrates and demonstrates these contradictions thoroughly, completly demolishing their doctrines and believes.
But as long as people continue to be indoctrinated with this religious rubbish we are going to continue along this path of hatred and intollerance of others, either because of their sexuality, race or cultural background.
Are they talking about "Human rights" or "Godly rights"?
What's sinister, though: The 'crackpot' imams & preachers you've mentioned...we've got to understand their psyche...that beneath their seemingly irrational/intolerant facade, they're people hungry for POWER and CONTROL, which is being increasingly difficult in this modern day of science, rationality, healthy scepticism, & open debate.
Think: Why is birth control not permitted in religions like Catholism/ evengelical Christianity & Islam? Why are homosexuals hated?
If yr answer is POWER BY NUMBERS, bingo! You've got that absolutely right!!! The more babies born into their religion, the more they can be used as a tool for BRAINWASHING!!! Just like the Jesuits philosophy: Give me a boy of up to age seven & I'll show you the man... Homosexuals (obviously) can't produce homosexual relationships are not seen as 'valuable' to them.
THAT and not morality is the real reason of their disdain for same-sex relationships; the so-called 'against God's will' is nothing more than an attempt to make their personal wishes more authoritative - well, at least to the more credulous & guillible.
So the bottom line is:
is what I say and worry about feeding the poor and getting jobs for the unemployed young people who cant get an education. God will worry about the rest, its not your F ing business.