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19 Mar 2016

Muslim police harass transgenders in Malaysia

A short documentary by the UK's Channel 4 shows Malaysia's religious police imposing Sharia law on the nation's Muslims

A short documentary by journalist Marcel Theroux has been making waves on social media. The video shows enforcement officers from a state Islamic department rounding up Muslims who have committed khalwat—being in close proximity to another.

The documentary, titled "Muslim, Trans and banned" was produced under its "Unreported World" segment. The video has nearly a million views on Facebook.

"This is what strict Sharia Law looks like.Malaysia's transgender Muslims get some of the toughest treatment from the country's religious police - as Unreported World witnessed on patrol," says Marcel Theroux.

Transgenders interviewed in the video also said they have been repeatedly arrested because they were also Muslims and had been caught crossdressing.

Arrested transgenders are normally subjected to religious counselling and heavy fines, varying in degree according to each state's Shariah enactments.

"A man should behave like a man and a woman should behave like a woman. We must respect the divine laws and sharia laws," an officer said in the documentary.

Watch the documentary here: https://www.facebook.com/Channel4News/videos/10153595770011939/


1. 2016-03-19 08:50
the individual answers to god... therefore to have "religious police" shows the immaturity and intolerance of a religion, any religion.... shame on the religious police and shame on the religion that allows enforcement and judgement of its followers...
2. 2016-03-19 12:07
Sharia only applies to Muslims tho and they have to identify as such.

Some balance in your articles please fridae
3. 2016-03-19 17:31
Their country.....THEIR laws.......
4. 2016-03-20 05:10
Of course it's bad if people get religious laws enforced on them. But I think this video is highly exaggerated and makes a caricature of Malaysia. It's my favorite holiday destination and I have several gay friends there, including muslims. No-one ever talked to me about the religious police.
5. 2016-03-20 07:17
Well, it was the sensationalist slant that caused the video to get comments on the internet. I guess this is what brought it to the fridae editors attention. It's a shame the editors doesn't edit and simply cuts and pastes; mainly from the lgbt activist press.

6. 2016-03-25 20:33
Some people here should really win a price for 'Most Intelligent Report on Sharia Gay Issues'.

Yes it seems that Sharia only affects muslims. But how do you become a muslim? By birth? By Chance? Or by pressure from those around you?
And how do you denounce muslim religion......? And is that arranged anywhere? By Sharia law for example...?

Maybe someone more intelligent than me can explain it!




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