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31 May 2019

Court rejects bid to stop South Korea pride

Homophobic Christian protestors plan to set up a counter-demonstration 


Homophobic Christian protestors plan to set up a counter-demonstration next to the Seoul Queer Culture Festival taking place this weekend.
A court in the capital of South Korea, Seoul on Thursday (30 May) rejected an application by conservative Christian groups to stop the annual LGBT pride event this weekend. Anti-LGBT groups had argued the 20th Seoul Queer Culture Festival (SQCF) would be harmful to children and infringed on their rights. The court said people were free not to attend the rally so their rights were not infringed. A judge vowed to protect freedom of expression and assembly. Meanwhile, the judge said it was difficult to conclude that the event would be harmful to children or teenagers attending.
A conservative Christian backlash has hit South Korea’s fledgling LGBT rights movement. Well-organized groups have been fighting LGBT pride events in the courts and on the streets. Earlier this month, authorities dropped an investigation into violence at a rally in Incheon.
To read more, click here! [ insert hyperlink on “here” to https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/court-rejects-bid-to-stop-south-korea-pride/#gs.f7dcxl ]


Homophobic Christian protestors plan to set up a counter-demonstration next to the Seoul Queer Culture Festival taking place this weekend.

A court in the capital of South Korea, Seoul on Thursday (30 May) rejected an application by conservative Christian groups to stop the annual LGBT pride event this weekend. Anti-LGBT groups had argued the 20th Seoul Queer Culture Festival (SQCF) would be harmful to children and infringe on their rights. The court said people were free not to attend the rally so their rights were not infringed. A judge vowed to protect freedom of expression and assembly. Meanwhile, the judge said it was difficult to conclude that the event would be harmful to children or teenagers attending.

A conservative Christian backlash has hit South Korea’s fledgling LGBT rights movement. Well-organized groups have been fighting LGBT pride events in the courts and on the streets. Earlier this month, authorities dropped an investigation into violence at a rally in Incheon.

To read more, click here!

Korea (South)


1. 2019-06-01 19:14
The decision of the court is right.




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