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26 Nov 2009

The Devil’s Encore

A jazz theatre piece that presents a bitter-sweet meditation on the duality of life and death, love and loss, against a haunting medley of jazz standards.

Director & Playwright: Bryan Tan

Starring: Robin Goh 

Pianist: Julian Wong

Dates: 27 November – 6 December, 2009 

Producer: Alfred Tang

Tickets: SGD20/28

Robin Goh, who has charmed our pants off in Asian Boys Vol.2 and Vol.3 and Chang and Eng, will lead this play with Julian Wong on piano. The Devil's Encore is a jazz theatre piece written and directed by award-winning playwright Bryan Tan. It starts running from 27th November to the 6th of December at The Arts House.

The Devil’s Encore is presented to you by Play Den Productions which is a joint venture between The Arts House and Orangedot Management Pte Ltd. This would be their third production in their first year.

Below is an extract from the play:

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our jazz club, right here in the middle of nowhere. Tonight, we will serve you the usual: This one will play the piano, and the other will sing and tell you some stories. Like the tale of his dead lover, who’s come back to haunt him.

You see, his lover appeared to him in his dreams and said, “Let me possess you, body and soul, for a few hours each night. There are songs I must sing, stories I must tell, but I can only do it as you. Besides, we’ll be together again. Is that not what you’ve been praying for?”

So will he agree to take a bite off the forbidden fruit? Or perhaps he has already been bewitched, bothered and bewildered? Sit back, relax, and listen to the jazz that he will sing. Then maybe, just maybe, you’ll find out a little something about that old devil called love.


1. 2009-11-29 01:07
An hour of jazz, i take my hat off to you both, Robin & Julian...sorry but i lost the plot along the way. Having said that, love ironically, is indeed the old devil...thats my take away.
修改於2009-11-29 01:10:24



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