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28 Jan 2010

Mariah Carey "The Impossible" (Kris Di Angelis Ben Dobie 'Pooldisco' Remix)

Handsome London DJ, remixer and Shoreditch sensation Kris Di Angelis puts a hot new spin on Mariah Carey's "The Impossible" that, dare I say, is more exciting than the original track. 

London DJ, remixer and Shoreditch sensation Kris Di Angelis gave the song a soulful, '80s disco vibe that brings back the Mariah just how I like her. This new remix is part of Kris' growing portfolio of work that he showcases every weekend at his residency at Jodie Harsh’s legendary club night, Circus.

Recently, this classically-trained club kid turned DJ wunderkind also remixed tracks from Alphabeat, Empire of the Sun, Roisin Murphy, MPHO and Depeche Mode. Time for Kris to come to the U.S. and bring us some of that London fraichness!

MARIAH CAREY - The Impossible (Kris Di Angelis & Ben Dobie 'Pooldisco' Remix) by Krisdiangelis


1. 2010-01-28 19:38  
Not a good song to do a remix...what is she singing about, she warbles on and on...
2. 2010-01-29 09:30  
ppls were pretty surprised when "the emancipation of mimi"came out, they thought the mariah carey in the 90's was back...and "e=mc2" just continued the success. but ever since then it seems like she's back to 2001-2004, whispering way too much in her songs instead of singing with her chest voice...don't think this is a good song, neither a good remix, personally.
修改於2010-01-29 09:32:04
3. 2010-01-29 23:57  
What has she done to her voice? Back in the day, she hit notes no other artists would attempt, but these days she seems almost too intimidated to tackle belt busting notes and would rather safely coo instead. I'll take the Mariah that did "Emotions" or "Without You" over the post Emancipated Mimi anyday.

On a positive note, Kris di Angelis is HOT!!!
4. 2010-01-31 15:19  
Other than "Hello? One of Mariah's key vocal signature is her ability to sing in firm falsettos", I thought the remix was decent.

Heck, what I meant was, Kris Di Angelis is swoons! =P
5. 2010-02-10 01:44  
completely a bad idea!!!
回應#6於於2010-02-10 12:17被作者刪除。
7. 2010-02-10 12:18  
i think the remix is superb & brilliant ... love listening to it ... kris is talented .:)
8. 2010-02-11 17:15  
It's all about Mz Crack Whore...... Whitney Houston all the way ;)
回應#9於於2011-01-12 00:25被作者刪除。
10. 2010-02-24 23:03  
This song is not one of my favourite off the album, however, the remix saved it, I actually moving with the beat when I am listening to it. Now I can't over this song! Good job Kris.





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