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25 Jun 2018

Watch: Candid Video of Men Having Sex in Hong Kong Goes Viral

One voyeur of the couple said it was better viewing than the World Cup.

Footage of crowds gathered in Hong Kong to watch a couple having sex through a window went viral this week.

While one man was visible throughout, the second man only revealed himself as a man minutes into the act, eliciting whoops and shouts from the crowd.

*The Oriental Daily reports*
some spectators joked that the scene was more exciting than the World Cup.

Police are allegedly investigating whether the pair infringed public decency and could be liable for a HK$1,000 fine ($127) and six months in jail.

Hong Kong

Reader's Comments

1. 2018-06-26 01:52
Gotta love this.... lol
2. 2018-06-26 05:35
I saw matt Damon in Martian so that proves man has been there.
3. 2018-06-26 16:11
Good for them - wish it happened opposite me!
4. 2018-06-28 03:10
I don't see a problem here as only the upper torsos of both men were showing so there is no nudity involved and it was only "implied" sex. But it was gay so they want to probably make an example of the two by drawing it out into the public by fining and imprisoning these guys to show how perverted same-sex couples act. If this had happened to a heterosexual couple it wouldn't go any farther more than likely.
5. 2018-07-04 15:42
Visas: la justice hongkongaise donne raison à un couple de lesbiennes
6. 2018-07-05 09:29
Loved the reaction when they realized that it was 2 men. LOL

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