幸· 感讨论会 / Well-Being Panel
日期 Date:2018-06-17
时间 Time:11:00-13:00
场地 Venue:Cotton's (新华路店 / Xinhua Rd)
地址 Address:
294 Xinhua Rd (near Xianghuaqiao Rd), Changning District
免费预约 Free Entry RSVP:http://www.huodongxing.com/event/7438921082911
简介 Introduction:
性别角色认知的困惑,性别规范的束缚,性别表达的压抑,恐同言论的中伤,还有对疾病的担忧和恐惧。对LGBTQ人群而言,最大的幸福来自健康。今年的幸· 感讨论将和大家一同讨论LGBTQ人群的生理和心理健康议题。
What makes us happy? Money? Social status? What prevents LGBTQ from getting happiness?
Confusion of gender identity, restrictions on gender norms, suppression of gender expression, homophobic speeches, and worry of diseases. Being healthy means the most to LGBTQ. The Well-being Panel will discuss topics on physiological and psychological health of the LGBTQ community.
Agenda is the perfect place for you to check out a range of LGBT events across the region. Whether its big mega circuit parties, LGBT gatherings, movie premieres, discussion forums, workshops, demonstrations, or pride marches you will find all of the hottest and must go LGBT events from the Asia region here. Events are listed by region and time. So just browse around to see what’s happening around you. Anyone can upload their own LGBT event to share with Fridae’s online community.
I'm a relationship oriented guy. Versatile, HIV-, no drugs, no drama. Love to laugh. Live right on a lake and enjoy the water. Love to explore, and the DC area has lots of interesting things to see and do. Looking for a decent looking guy, 24 - 39, whose mind is working, has a decent sense of humor and some adventure in him. Someone who says what he means and means what he says.