Tokyo. The very mention of the word conjures up images of geisha, computer games, and everything that is expensive. Indeed, Tokyo does rank amongst the world's most costly cities in which to live (albeit Japanese salaries are also among the world's highest). This fact alone is what keeps most Asian PLUS (People Like Us) from visiting this fascinating city. Other reasons are language, perceived discrimination, and what is believed to be a very limited PLUS scene.

However, most Asians and even Westerners visiting our city need not worry so much about the above. Indeed, cheap accommodation can be had in Tokyo if one cares to do his homework before any travel. Other than the hotels, there are capsule hotels, in which, rather than renting a room you rent a "bunker". Yes you have complete privacy, great bathing facilities, and of course it is segregated by sex. Thus basically you are staying in a glorified dormitory. The cost? About JPY5,000 a night. This is far less than the JPY12,000 a night that most business hotels charge, and a far cry from what the bigger hotels charge.
For those that need even cheaper accommodation, my advice is to try the Tokyo Classified web site. They should have listings for "shares" as well as subrentals, which can be very, very cheap. Tokyo Classified is also an excellent way to make PLUS friends, with its own gay and lesbian personals listing.
The Scene
Japan has so much to offer the PLUS tourist. In many ways it is similar to Bangkok, with a multitude of services, all for the asking. Tokyo alone has over 300 bars as well as so many saunas and sex clubs that offer an endless supply of sexual activities. Most such places have the usual mix room (sex room) with shower and locker facilities. The mix room is usually a large room with many futon thrown on the floor. There one can either lie in wait for someone who is his type, or walk about the different rooms looking for Mr. Goodbar.
Some have mazes and other special features, whereas many are small establishments, usually an old rented house converted for the purpose. So although the number of places may be greater in Japan, they usually do not come close to the space provided by similar sex rooms in places such as Thailand. The admission prices are also higher. However the action can be sizzling. I myself have on many occasions been drawn into great 3-way action.
Many sex rooms in Japan cater to different types of people and thus the whole nation is well covered by a large network of sex rooms that cater to men of all ages and types. Foreign PLUS may be worried about the ban on foreigners to these places. It is true that in the 1980s most of the existing places did "officially" stop foreigners from entering. However, at that time there were only a limited number of places that offered such facilities. Today, however, there are so many all over. Also, most that did discriminate have reversed their bans on non-Japanese gaining admission.
(As for those that still do not allow non-Japanese entry, there are a few that will allow Asians, while others will not even allow foreigners of Japanese ancestry admission. My advice is to skip those places that do discriminate and head for places that will welcome you.)
Instead, many sex rooms state in their advertisements that they reserve the right to deny admission to anyone that would not be in keeping with their general "standards." Many go even further and state plainly that admission is limited to those that are 40 years of age or younger. Whether they ask for proof of age at the time of admission depends upon the management. Chances are if you look young, you will be allowed in no matter what your age.

My favorite place is Paragon. This sex club is located in the heart of the Shinjuku 2-chome, the PLUS district. The club is frequented by a great supply of younger, good- looking men. I have been to many such places all over Tokyo, but the best action that I ever had was here. Usually late on Saturday nights the men are so horny that they cumm to attack you, with their need to get it on. It is not unusual to get drawn into 3-way or 4-way play. Really hot, sweaty action is what I got each time I went there. It is no exaggeration to say that you can do it until your balls hurt. Often, after I had finished and wanted to take a nap, I found myself constantly pushing the hands of other people away from my cock.
There are many other places as well. As mentioned above, a few still forbid "foreigners," including other Asians. However, there are now so many places to enter that the visiting PLUS tourist need not worry about being turned away left and right. For those that read Japanese, one great way to find all these sex rooms, as well as the bars, video clubs, and other facilities, is to purchase a copy of a Japanese PLUS magazine. Japan has at least 7 large monthlies of which my favorite, as well as one that has the most extensive "directory," i.e. advertisements, is Badi. Many ads have their addresses in English, which is a great help if you don't read Japanese. These magazines also have extensive listings of personal advertisements. However, these are usually almost exclusively in Japanese, so if meeting a man through the personals is what you are into, I suggest that you try Tokyo Classified. (to be continued)
Hidesato Sakakibara's other articles on Asian PLUS topics, including Japan, can be viewed at the OGUSA. If you have any opinions you would like to express or questions, please contact the author at and be sure to mention the article you read.
The author is, by mentioning businesses, products or links, not in any way involved with or promoting these services or products, and is in no way liable for any losses or misfortunes that may befall those readers who may use these links. Also all readers are strongly cautioned to promote the well being of themselves and those around them by at all times practicing safe sex. All information contained in this posting has been researched, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The author is not responsible for any errors or omissions.