Despite being written by acclaimed lawyer-playwright Eleanor Wong and produced by W!LD RICE, a professional theatre company founded by well-regarded Artistic Director Ivan Heng, Jointly & Severably has been unsuccessful in getting sponsorship and funding.

The World Premiere of Jointly & Severably, the latest play by Eleanor Wong, as part of a triple bill, entitled Invitation to Treat will run Wednesday, April 9 - 26 at Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore while the double bill Mergers & Accusations and Wills & Secession will run Wednesday, April 2 - 6.
The three plays follow the journey towards self-discovery and self-actualisation of Ellen Toh, the smart, ambitious and hardworking lesbian lawyer who marries her best friend in a "marriage of convenience" that presents her with the best of both worlds - a socially respectable position, and a husband who accepts her sexual orientation.
"Mergers & Accusations is about personal choices and living in transition while dreaming of, hoping for, and wanting, the 'perfect' future. Wills & Secession explores the corridors of the past; and unravels the bonds of family and faith in the face of disease and death. Jointly & Severably lays bare the struggle for commitment, explodes the meaning of family, love and friendship, and the right of a minority to live and love honestly and fearlessly," says Heng.
Heng hopes that the gay and lesbian community will see and relate to the plays which include "'in' jokes and references that can only be fully appreciated by the GLBT community" and with scripts that were not "dumbed down" to accommodate this straight audience.
Mergers & Accusations/Wills & Secessions double bill
Date: 2 April 2003 (Preview)/ 3 to 6 April 2003
World Premiere of Jointly & Severably
Date: 9 April 2003 (Preview)/ 10 to 26 April 2003
Venue: Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore
Time: 8 pm (Tuesday to Sunday)
3 pm (Saturday and Sunday)
No shows on Monday
Tickets: $25 (Preview)
$30 and $35 *
$40 and $45 **
R(A) 18 years and above only.
*(8pm - Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday; 3pm - Saturday and Sunday)
**(8pm - Thursday, Friday and Saturday)
Ticket prices exclude $1 SISTIC fee and handling fees.
Editor's note: Click on the link below to read Ivan Heng's open letter about Invitation to Treat.