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19 Sep 2012

Australia's same-sex marriage bill defeated, senator resigns after bestiality remarks

After days of heated debate that saw one Liberal Party senator resign after linking same-sex marriage to bestiality, the bill was defeated with 42 MPs supporting the passage of the bill and 98 MPs against.

Australian lawmakers on Wednesday overwhelmingly rejected a Labor MP's bill that would have legalised same-sex marriage.

The Australian edition of women's magazine Marie Claire in July showed its support of marriage equality by featuring covergirl Rachael Taylor and numerous celebs including Bob Brown, Brian McFadden, Matt Mitcham, Mel B, Missy Higgins and Rachel Griffiths wearing the rainbow-coloured “I Do” tshirts. See more here.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott as well as former prime minister Kevin Rudd voted to defeat the private bill, proposed by Labor backbencher Stephen Jones.

According to media reports, Gillard allowed Labor members to make a rare "conscience vote" – meaning lawmakers can vote by their personal beliefs – while opposition leader Tony Abbott did not give Liberal members that option. 

In related news, a conservative Australian senator was forced to resign from his parliamentary role today after he linked same-sex marriage to bestiality and polygamy during a debate.

Cory Bernardi, a Liberal Party member and Senator for South Australia, said in parliament on Tuesday: “If we are prepared to redefine marriage so that it suits the latest criterion that two people who love each other should be able to get married irrespective of their gender and/or if they are in a sexual relationship, then what is the next step?

“The next step, quite frankly, is having three people or four people that love each other being able to enter into a permanent union endorsed by society—or any other type of relationship. For those who say that I am being alarmist in this, there is the polyamory community who were very disappointed when the Greens had to distance themselves from their support for numerous people getting together and saying they want to enter into a permanent union. They were disappointed because they were misled that this was about marriage equality and opening up marriage to all people who love each other.

Cory Bernardi, a Liberal Party member and Senator for South Australia, was forced to resign from his parliamentary role today after he linked same-sex marriage to bestiality and polygamy during a debate.

“There are even some creepy people out there—and I say 'creepy' deliberately—who are unfortunately afforded a great deal more respect than I believe they deserve. These creepy people say it is okay to have consensual sexual relations between humans and animals. Will that be a future step? In the future will we say, 'These two creatures love each other and maybe they should be able to be joined in a union.'”

His comments sparked outrage in the ruling Labor Party and elements within the Liberal Party, including high-profile former leader Malcolm Turnbull who described them as “hysterical, alarmist, offensive’’.

The House of Representatives is also considering another bill to legalise same sex marriage, sponsored by Greens MP Adam Bandt and independent Andrew Wilkie. It is not expected to pass.

Australian Marriage Equality national convener, Alex Greenwich, said in a statement that although “the federal parliament has effectively brushed the wishes of a majority of Australians aside, the states and territories will take the lead, ”he is confident Australians will “see same-sex marriages performed somewhere in Australia by the end of the year."

Polls show that a majority of Australians support gay marriage with 62% saying they support marriage equality in a Sydney Morning Herald/Nielson poll in November 2011 and 70% saying that they do in a News Ltd poll in mid-August 2011. 



回应#1於於2012-09-19 20:04被作者删除。
2. 2012-09-19 20:03
Shame on the federal politicians. They have no conscience, guts or visions. This is the reason why we still need gay activism. We want the right to choose to marry or not.
3. 2012-09-19 21:05
That guy seriously crossed the line.
It's alarming that such bigot can be given a seat in the debate.

Take for instance the history of fashion as a comparison.
During the Victorian era, women were not allowed to show their legs.
These days that restrictive norm has bent and changed.
But does that necessarily mean that nudists are allowed to walk on the street, etcetera etcetera?
Will the future be like that?

No one knows for certain.

But we shouldn't jump to the conclusion that same-sex marriage legalisation is a door to other kinds of marriages.
It might be, might be not.
Let the next generation decide.

Gosh, that guy is imbecile!
修改於2012-09-19 22:05:15
4. 2012-09-19 21:56
Borrowing the same line of logic, if we are prepared to allow marriage in the 1st place, people will eventually ask to be married to anything, including that with animals/plants/walls/robots/humans, etc. Hence, it's best to just ban marriages altogether. (Still, nothing gonna stop people humping animals, or... walls. =D )

Bernadi is either:

1) Incredibly selfish - Because banning gay marriages doesn't infringe his right anyway

2) Incredibly prejudiced - Because he's linking gay marriages to bestiality

My money's on both.
5. 2012-09-20 03:24
Resign from his parliamentary role? Does it mean, resign as an MP?


Quoted from Wikipedia: In September, 2012, Bernardi resigned from his position as parliamentary secretary as a result of statements he had made the day before, when he argued that permitting same-sex marriages may lead to legalised polygamy and bestiality.

And just before:

in late 2009, Senator Bernardi was appointed Shadow Parliamentary Secretary Assisting the Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Population Policy. In August 2012 Senator Bernardi was appointed as the Deputy Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate.

Reading on, you can see his views on global warming, islam and asylum seekers.
6. 2012-09-20 07:52
Slippery Slope is always fun.

It's a shame that the bill didn't pass, come on Australia.
7. 2012-09-20 08:08
Such a shame, isn't it? Perhaps, gay Aussies need to move to Canada too?
8. 2012-09-20 12:31
But please note, that there were many politicians who did vote to support the bill, and there are many in federal parliament on all sides who staunchly support it. They will continue fighting for equal rights.
It's not all negative.
9. 2012-09-20 12:45
And all this time I thought Australia was a civilized country! What a shame that in 2012 they are this backward. We need to take politics out of love.
10. 2012-09-20 12:58
Yet another example how politicians, no matter what party, are out of touch with the majority of the electorate. How sad, Australia.
11. 2012-09-20 14:08
#7. You are right. Canada needs more gay immigrants.
12. 2012-09-20 19:03
Australia is homophobic, racist and unwelcoming towards refugees.
Its nearly an embarrasment to be Australian.

One day I hope to be able to be a citizen of a country that is open minded, welcoming to refugees and supports the rights of minority groups.

Until then, sigh !!!!!!
13. 2012-09-20 19:28
A similar bill (marriage equality bill - for that's what it is, not a "gay marriage" bill) recently passed its first reading in parliament in New Zealand 80 to 40. Clearly NZ is more progressive and liberal than our cousins across the Tasman!!
修改於2012-09-20 19:29:30
14. 2012-09-20 22:29
Even formerly anti-equality Conservatives are backing the Conservative PM in the UK, to record pro equal marriage videos and explain why this is good for society:

修改於2012-09-20 22:30:17
15. 2012-09-20 22:58
Gutless wonders! Australian male politicians need a good bloody anal fucking...
16. 2012-09-20 23:08
Well, nzbear4u, congratulations to the Kiwis :-)! You've just joined Canada in the Circle of Enlightenment :-)!
17. 2012-09-20 23:59
So the brain dead politician said : "These creepy people say it is okay to have consensual sexual relations between humans and animals."

Maybe Australian sheep are different to the rest of the world, but I wasnt aware sheepshagging by Australian farmers involved any consent on the part of the poor sheep.

18. 2012-09-21 17:04
Wow, if we could do the same to some bigots here in the US. There are just so many loud-mouth, homophobic idiots in DC who just love to compare gay sex to bestiality. Yet, this thing called "freedom of speech" saves their ass from getting fired...
19. 2012-09-21 17:59
@18, yet Ellen was fired and her comedy show cancelled just because she said she was gay. Funny old world, isn't it.
修改於2012-09-21 19:42:10
20. 2012-09-27 09:50
very disappointing, I thought Australia was more progessive than this
21. 2012-09-27 13:26
@17. Great comment. Its not the first time that Aussie politicians have legislated or voted contrary to prevailing public opinion. They did just that on euthanasia, the Iraq war, and gun control. All this to avoid losing the rabid and usually religious right. Having said that, there ARE many churches and marriage celebrants who will support and officiate at LGBT commitment ceremonies. The first one I attended was back in 1987.

The government is hypocritical too, when you consider how overtly Tourism Australia courts the LGBT tourist.
22. 2012-09-29 14:51
Shame, Australia really is one of dumb, drunken, racism's country.
23. 2012-09-30 20:44
and you thought asian countries were bad.
australia is so far behind them.
the early settlers were convicts from England.

you know gay marriage is not legal in England yet either,
whereas Scotland hope to make it lawful!




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