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6 Feb 2014

Singapore LGBT Update | It's All Happening in Asia's Smallest Sovereign State

A lot has been going on in the last few days in terms of gay issues in Singapore. There’s been polls revealed, comments from the Prime Minister, and petitions relating to the Health Promotion Board’s information on homosexuality.


Survey finds that traditional attitudes to marriage and sexuality still persist in Singapore
A recent survey released by the Institute of Policy Studies has revealed that more than 70 percent of Singapore residents questioned were not accepting of homosexuality. 78.2 per cent answered that sexual relations between two adults of the same gender is almost always or always wrong. 
However, only 72.9 per cent felt the same way about gay marriage and 61.1 per cent said the adoption of a child by a gay couple is almost always or always wrong. These lower numbers suggests that some people think homosexuality is acceptable if kept within a traditional relationship.
The survey questions 4000 Singapore residents. IPS Senior research fellow, Mathew Mathews, who led the study, said that the survey showed Singapore is, at its core, a conservative society. “For most people, that is the norm they have been used to, and it has served society well,” he said. 
The survey obviously comes as a blow to movements such as Pink Dot and Oogachaga and Syoni who have been trying to build moment for the relaxation of Section 377(A) of Singapore’s Penal Code (which criminalizes sex between men), and ensuring discrimination legislation.
Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says that Government must not dictate opinion or policies on LGBT issues
In a ministerial forum with the students union of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore PM Lee told guests that it was not up to the government to change opinion on LGBT issues. The PM was making reference to the survey above that revealed Singapore’s conservative beliefs.
Singapore’s Today newspaper reported live that “On LGBT issues, PM Lee says not Gov's role to decide if society's deeply held social, moral values are right or wrong.” Lee has been resistant to repealing his country’s colonial era anti-sodomy laws, even though his father, Singapore’s first Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew has said he would like to see reform on the issue. 
Health Promotion Board (HPB) states being gay is normal, sparking online petitions for and against
A section of Singapore’s HPB’s website features Frequently Asked Questions about Homosexuality. The site states “Homosexuality and bisexuality are not mental illnesses. Studies show that sexual orientation has no bearing on mental health or emotional stability.”
It also explains that there is no way to change a person’s sexuality : “It is important to note that nothing someone encounters in life can ‘make’ one gay, lesbian or bisexual. Although events in life can help clarify gender identity and sexual orientation, sexual experience is not necessary to understand sexual orientation.”
The resource concludes by saying “Homosexuals can certainly have long-lasting relationships. A homosexual relationship, like any other relationship, is based on values like trust, love, commitment and support.”
The HPB website was established by the Government in 2001 and it is believed that the Homosexuality FAQs have been there since November last year. Attention was only bought to the resource after an online petition to have the information removed was revealed. 
This petition, founded by ‘Aaron’ states, “Following public moods, popular trends or making unsubstantiated statements will not help to bring clarity on the issue at all, nullifying the very purpose of the FAQ itself” and has over 2000 signatures. A counter petition to leave the FAQ intact was recently started by Melissa Tsang and has 1871 signatures.

Survey finds that traditional attitudes to marriage and sexuality still persist in Singapore


A recent survey released by the Institute of Policy Studies has revealed that more than 70 percent of Singapore residents questioned were not accepting of homosexuality. 78.2 per cent answered that sexual relations between two adults of the same gender is almost always or always wrong. 

However, only 72.9 per cent felt the same way about gay marriage and 61.1 per cent said the adoption of a child by a gay couple is almost always or always wrong. These lower numbers suggests that some people think homosexuality is acceptable if kept within a traditional relationship.

The survey questioned 4000 Singapore residents. IPS Senior research fellow, Mathew Mathews, who led the study, said that the survey showed Singapore is, at its core, a conservative society. “For most people, that is the norm they have been used to, and it has served society well,” he said. 

The survey obviously comes as a blow to movements such as Pink Dot and Oogachaga and Syoni who have been trying to build moment for the relaxation of Section 377(A) of Singapore’s Penal Code (which criminalizes sex between men), and ensuring discrimination legislation.

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says that Government must not dictate opinion or policies on LGBT issues


In a ministerial forum with the students union of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore PM Lee told guests that it was not up to the government to change opinion on LGBT issues. The PM was making reference to the survey above that revealed Singapore’s conservative beliefs.

Singapore’s Today newspaper reported live that “On LGBT issues, PM Lee says not Gov's role to decide if society's deeply held social, moral values are right or wrong.” Lee has been resistant to repealing his country’s colonial era anti-sodomy laws, even though his father, Singapore’s first Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew has said he would like to see reform on the issue. 

Health Promotion Board (HPB) states being gay is normal, sparking online petitions for and against

A section of Singapore’s HPB’s website features Frequently Asked Questions about Homosexuality. The site states “Homosexuality and bisexuality are not mental illnesses. Studies show that sexual orientation has no bearing on mental health or emotional stability.”

It also explains that there is no way to change a person’s sexuality : “It is important to note that nothing someone encounters in life can ‘make’ one gay, lesbian or bisexual. Although events in life can help clarify gender identity and sexual orientation, sexual experience is not necessary to understand sexual orientation.”

The resource concludes by saying “Homosexuals can certainly have long-lasting relationships. A homosexual relationship, like any other relationship, is based on values like trust, love, commitment and support.”

The HPB website was established by the Government in 2001 and it is believed that the Homosexuality FAQs have been there since November last year. Attention was only bought to the resource after an online petition to have the information removed was revealed. 

This petition, founded by ‘Aaron’ states, “Following public moods, popular trends or making unsubstantiated statements will not help to bring clarity on the issue at all, nullifying the very purpose of the FAQ itself” and has over 2000 signatures. A counter petition to leave the FAQ intact was recently started by Melissa Tsang and has 1871 signatures.



1. 2014-02-06 19:28  
Hardly surprising given that LGBTs are in the "minority", plus the fact that the authority still have a media ban on any information or portray of LGBTs in a positive manner if any. In fact the promotion of alternative lifestyle law is still in force. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_in_Singapore Anyone, publisher or broadcaster who even dares to print or broadcast anything about LGBT in positive manner are taken to task!! except under special circumstances. Of course the general public are going to be ignorant and oblivious about anything regarding LGBTs issues, given such lack of exposure and information, couple with the fact that some religious institution are given the free reign to preach homophobia for um-teem years. This majority not accepting LGBTs is not unique to Singapore, a lot of countries that have decriminalized homosexuality have large section of their population still thinking that being gay is immoral and wrong.. China for example, but that did not stop their authority from their moral obligation in showing the leadership in ensuring the rights of and the protecting of their minorities! Besides its not acceptance the LGBTs are seeking, its simple tolerance which the Singaporeans boasted that they have plenty of?
修改於2014-02-06 20:03:00
2. 2014-02-07 07:19  
strange, the results are probably similar to those expected if the survey was contacted in Afghanistan with the taliban... congratulations singapore you have only shown what can be achieved when you coerce or indoctrinate a population... singapore you will never be able to hang your head up high until you sort out your moral cringe...
回应#3於於2014-02-07 07:21被作者删除。
4. 2014-02-09 20:55  
1. must see history. how they know that homosexual is wrong?
2. Since I was kid, I got teaching by Religions that Homosexual is wrong
I got this teaching for years and trust them without evaluation.
3. Growing up, I realize that Religion is wrong after making evaluation.
so, manythings in Religions/ Hollybook can be regarded as wrong.
4. If resident state that homosexual is wrong, we can understand because they only obey to religion without evaluation the truth.
That is written in Hollybook.
5. And because all those people that obey Hollybook will absolutely not suitable to hollybook at all. Then We can make conclusion that everybody is wrong.
That is the way of Hollybook or satan to make us fighting each other,
That is the way of Hollybook or satan to make us seperate each other.
That is the way of Hollybook or satan to be greedy
That is the way of hollybook or satan to make us hate each other

6. As the time running, there will be time we state that
" Heterosexual is mental disorder"
why ?
There will be time that heterosexual/breeding will make war and riots.
- look at small ants.. does every ants doing heteroxual intercose?

7. colonial era law was basic law, that you can change.
If this colonial laws are rigid then they are against God and sinful

5. 2014-02-10 09:11  
Hahaha ... #2, you're really quite funny :-)! I would only add the US mid-west and "Bible Belt" to your use of Afghanistan as a case in point. The laws in some Western countries may reflect supposedly more enlightened social mores and, hence, greater "tolerance" for diversity BUT the UGLY truth, #2, is that gay people, including teens, continue to get bashed and shot to death in the good old US of A, amongst other Western societies. Asians and, in this particular instance, Singaporeans, may not be an approving bunch when it comes to LGBT issues BUT, one thing's quite certain, the incidence of gay-bashing in Singapore is either extremely low or practically non-existent. So, #2, your holier-than-thou stance needs some tweaking especially in light of the continued violence against members of the LGBT community in many Western countries, the US being one of the most notoriously violent among them.
修改於2014-02-10 09:15:30
6. 2014-02-10 12:10  
#5, i stand corrected to your greater wisdom :-) actually you are quite right re personal violence against LGBT i would suggest, but the comment was more on a countries population to see through the administrations spin and also for the administration itself to show a tolerance.... but its all pedantics...
回应#7於於2014-02-10 12:19被作者删除。
8. 2014-02-10 13:48  
1. the major resident that refuse homosexual are innocent as I was a teen got brain washing by religion leader to hate and refuse homosexual. Even, I also guided/brain wash to hate other countries.
2. Yes, I and society had brain washed to hate other nations and many things. I just follow those brain washed without making assessment of the truth. so many evils.
3. So, Singaporean society should be able to make true assessment and should not be brain washed by sinful Hollybooks. so many Myth created by idiot psychopath, they look like having project to steal our belonging.
4. People who created Hollybooks are immoral.
5. Conservative had no school. did not dress, did not create MRT but Reading camel by naked to everywhere, create myth that they had seen Heaven and Hell...that lier and extra ordinary crime
6. At Past, Hollybooks regarded as wrong, so we now can also said that Holly books are wrong. that is conservative concept.
7. People who created Hollybook were mentality ill that need to be cured.
8. emotional instability is not illness, it is about difference that everybody are unique in response of something, varies with time
9. 2014-02-10 13:49  
1. the major resident that refuse homosexual are innocent as I was a teen got brain washing by religion leader to hate and refuse homosexual. Even, I also guided/brain wash to hate other countries.
2. Yes, I and society had brain washed to hate other nations and many things. I just follow those brain washed without making assessment of the truth. so many evils.
3. So, Singaporean society should be able to make true assessment and should not be brain washed by sinful Hollybooks. so many Myth created by idiot psychopath, they look like having project to steal our belonging.
4. People who created Hollybooks are immoral.
5. Conservative had no school. did not dress, did not create MRT but Reading camel by naked to everywhere, create myth that they had seen Heaven and Hell...that lier and extra ordinary crime
6. At Past, Hollybooks regarded as wrong, so we now can also said that Holly books are wrong. that is conservative concept.
7. People who created Hollybook were mentality ill that need to be cured.
8. emotional instability is not illness, it is about difference that everybody are unique in response of something, varies with time
9. even mental stability can be regard as illness oneday because God is not stabil, Wind is not always blow from north but to many directions. that is instability
10. see, how heterosexual making conflicts at everywhere in the globe. that is true mental ilness
修改於2014-02-10 13:54:06
10. 2014-02-10 17:11  
I agree with #5. I guess an apt analogy would be George W. Bush having the audacity to chide China for human rights violations when the US government was itself detaining terrorism suspects in Guantanamo without trial and torturing them to extract confessions against the Geneva Convention and every principle of natural justice. Housekeeping starts, well, at home.




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