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23 Apr 2015

‘Bollywood is filled with closet gays’ says senior Indian actress

Kirron Kher is a popular Indian theatre, film and television actress, who has long been fearless and completely committed to the LGBT community in India.

A leading actor in who acts as the public face of the LGBT community in India says it is high time for Indian cinema to pave the way to eradicate anti-gay social taboos especially since Bollywood is filled with closet gays.
“Bollywood is filled with closeted gays who pretend to be straight. It will take a long time for people to be open about the issue. The change definitely needs to start with our film industry” Kirron Kher told Mumbai Mirror in an interview.
Kher, 59, is a popular Indian theatre, film and television actress, who has long been “fearless and completely committed to the LGBT community” in India, according to the news outlet.
She is also a sitting Member of Parliament representing the ruling right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party that considers consensual same-sex relations unnatural and will not to do away with the colonial-era “Section 377” law that makes such relations punishable with up to life imprisonment.
“One's prayer and pleasure are personal business. Which God I pray to and what turns me on in bed are private matters. I've a mixed bag of friends who are homosexuals, heterosexuals and bi-sexuals. Their sexual orientation does not define our friendship,” she was quoted as saying.
Kher has acted in Bollywood blockbuster films such as Dostana where she played a stereotypical mother very upset at her son being gay but who in the course of the film learnt to accept her son’s sexuality.
“The day parents fight the social and moral taboos surrounding the LGBT community we'll have tackled the issue,” said Kher who has often used her popular TV shows to fight for the rights of India’s oppressed gay community. Recently, she hosted the talk show Purushkshetra to discuss same-sex relations for the first time on Indian television.
Commenting on her party’s opposition to equality rights, she pointed out that many in power are against Section 377 but there are also those who support it.
Kirron is married to another popular Bollywood actor Anupam Kher who has appeared in several hundred films and many plays mainly in Bollywood.
Bollywood is the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), India’s commercial capital. Bollywood is the largest film producer in India and one of the largest centres of film production in the world. Bollywood is also formally referred to as Hindi cinema.

A leading actor in who acts as the public face of the LGBT community in India says it is high time for Indian cinema to pave the way to eradicate anti-gay social taboos especially since Bollywood is filled with closet gays.

“Bollywood is filled with closeted gays who pretend to be straight. It will take a long time for people to be open about the issue. The change definitely needs to start with our film industry” Kirron Kher told Mumbai Mirror in an interview.

Kher, 59, is a popular Indian theatre, film and television actress, who has long been “fearless and completely committed to the LGBT community” in India, according to the news outlet.

She is also a sitting Member of Parliament representing the ruling right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party that considers consensual same-sex relations unnatural and will not to do away with the colonial-era “Section 377” law that makes such relations punishable with up to life imprisonment.

“One's prayer and pleasure are personal business. Which God I pray to and what turns me on in bed are private matters. I've a mixed bag of friends who are homosexuals, heterosexuals and bi-sexuals. Their sexual orientation does not define our friendship,” she was quoted as saying.

Kher has acted in Bollywood blockbuster films such as Dostana where she played a stereotypical mother very upset at her son being gay but who in the course of the film learnt to accept her son’s sexuality.

“The day parents fight the social and moral taboos surrounding the LGBT community we'll have tackled the issue,” said Kher who has often used her popular TV shows to fight for the rights of India’s oppressed gay community. Recently, she hosted the talk show Purushkshetra to discuss same-sex relations for the first time on Indian television.

Commenting on her party’s opposition to equality rights, she pointed out that many in power are against Section 377 but there are also those who support it.

Kirron is married to another popular Bollywood actor Anupam Kher who has appeared in several hundred films and many plays mainly in Bollywood.

Bollywood is the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), India’s commercial capital. Bollywood is the largest film producer in India and one of the largest centres of film production in the world. Bollywood is also formally referred to as Hindi cinema.


1. 2015-04-23 14:10
I hope she isn't calling for outting people. That only ever led to more fear and hate.
回应#2於於2015-04-24 13:20被作者删除。
3. 2015-04-24 13:19
There is no such thing as partly gay.

You are either gay or straight. And be brave to be yourself.

Gays in closet : pretending to be someone else in his own life and a puppet in real-life... pathetic, surely will bring harm to his wife and many other people unnecessarily...

GTiLad, are you one of them?
4. 2015-04-24 14:29
If being in the closet means not screaming and shouting about being gay the whole time, then, yep, that's me.

What a failure I am!!

My sexuality doesn't totally define who I am!!!! Boo! Hoo!

It's nice to see your tolerance of anyone identifying themselves as bisexual mmmem.
5. 2015-04-24 15:35
There are bisexual men and women. Actually, not many of them.

However, a lot of closet gays 'see' themselves as bisexual, but in fact they are not bisexual.

I have friends who are closet gays and married girls. Ended up, either a quick divorce or misery to his marriage.

Just be who you are and be proud of it. Anyway, we are born this way and it's not our choice.

6. 2015-04-25 06:35

It seems you fear the idea that everyone is bisexual to varying degrees. People change over time and with experiences.

If you must label people make sure you don't constrain them by the labels.

There are many choices to make but it's not for you to choose for someone else.
7. 2015-04-25 17:09

I don't label people, and it's none of my business. However, a lot of straight people do, and their covert agents whom they have engaged to spy of the gay community here. Are you one of them?

I am not a bisexual and never will be. I am a gay and I seldom mingle with girls.

Ofcourse, people's thinking and bad habits will change, but not their sexuality like just the color of your skin and your sex.

It is quite rude for u to show your 'backside' photo to the gay community here...
8. 2015-04-26 04:42
it seems mmmem dousnt think think it nesesary to be coherent when opinionated ....re there is no such thing as partly gay....then when pulled up about it says there are bisexuals but not many...lol ...as for the bit about covert agents acting for straight people and spying on the gay community and is gtlad one of them...esp when gtlad has a bare assed profile ...it would seem given hes from malaysia that hes been addled somewhat by having to live in that opressive anti gay environment......sadly in order to get the final high moral ground he jumps on the ,its rude to show your ass...ra ra ra thereby using the mind set of his opressors to try and win the argument...very sad
9. 2015-04-26 05:20
thank you for posting karan

i like this from mmmem: "Ofcourse, people's thinking and bad habits will change, but not their sexuality like just the color of your skin and your sex." im still very pale due to it being spring here in the uk, once the summer comes ill tan in the sun. This happens every year.

It would appear that LGBT is only LGb in mmmem's world. The b hardly existing and the T non-existant as transgendered isnt allowed.

Id laugh if it wasnt so disturbingly unfunny.



10. 2015-04-26 18:14
Guys, don't put words into my mouth please.

I never said bisexual hardly existing, and I didn't say transgendered isn't allowed. It is not up to me to decide...

I only suggest to the LGBT community here to be themselves and be proud of it. Don't be someone else in their lives... just like the secret agents here spying on people's freedom to look for friends...

Hope you guys (secret agents?) satisfy now :)
11. 2015-04-27 05:21
So are they allowed to be themselves or not then?

Being in the closet is a choice. A choice some make even aware of the possible consequences.

Some are in the closet to only a few select people. The range is huge and varied.

My advice would be for you to do your thing and let others do theirs.

We can all read what you've written :-)
12. 2015-04-27 12:52
Ofcourse everyone should be allowed to be themselves, with pride.

Someone's sexuality is NOT a choice. However, being in closet or not, ofcourse is a choice.
13. 2015-04-28 03:43
Yep. Their choice. Their reasons.
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