Volunteers at China’s PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) have been hosting live web talks since august to help educate people on HIV, sexual knowledge, sexual identity, expression and sexual orientation.
“We invite parents who have gay children to share their stories,” Flora, the head of volunteer management at PFLAG China, told TechNode. “They would talk about how they first reacted when their children came out to them and how they coped with it.”
PFLAG’s accounts on some live streaming platforms have once been suspended due to the “sensitive” online discussions during live streaming, according to Technode.
“We’d avoid saying highly sensitive terms like ‘tongxinglian (homosexuality, 同性恋 in Chinese)’ and instead say ‘tongzhi (slang for homosexuality, 同志 in Chinese)’ or ‘LGBT’ or ‘sexual minorities’ during live streaming,” said Flora. Watch some of the stories below: