i'm looking for easy-going and easy-on-the-eyes guys. I've always dated good-looking Caucasian guys who have blue eyes. I live well and I expect my guys do too. Hope to find a guy who loves to take long-haul vacations as much as I do. And, No I won't massage you or fetch you tea or your slippers or do any of the subservient Asian house-boy duties; and neither am I hoping for a John Wayne or a Douglas MacArthur or a "Lootellant' Pinkerton to whisk me away from a burning village or buy me a buffalo for the paddies. I expect my guys to be respectful, intelligent, civilized, urbane and eager to please, and dress their well scrubbed hair-trimmed bodies with freshly-laundered clothing; since unwashed untrimmed body hair does encourage fermenting body odours trapped in musty clothing, especially in the humidity of summer.
男性 | 54 | 5' 7"171cm / 169lbs77kg | 华人
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
在线上: 5个月前