It's been a while since a tech update found its way onto the blog. Rest assured we've been working hard on some new goodies! Today we've introduced a new feature called Fridae Labs.
Fridae Labs is where we experiment with some new features. We've been having fun playing with them in the office, and thought it would be nice to offer our users a way to play with these features too :)
Lab Experiments can be considered "beta" - they're very experimental, and there are likely to be bugs. We'd appreciate your feedback (and patience, while we fix bugs).
To access Labs and check out our current Experiments, click on Settings > Fridae Labs in your user console. The Labs page will tell you what's currently available and show you how to access it.

Our first Lab Experiment is "Tribes", a major new groupware feature for Fridae.
A Tribe allows Fridae members to arrange themselves into a group around a common cause or interest.
You can use a Tribe to find other members who are into the same things as you, and if you can't find one you can create your own.
Each Tribe gets its own discussion board and photo galleries for members to interact with each other, and it can also have private Agenda items visible only to its members.
A Tribe can be public (anyone can join), or private (an invitation is required to join). You can hide the Tribe's contents or the Tribe itself from anyone who's not a member.
The Tribe page also has a distinctive new layout style which can be customised by the Tribe Master.
Fridae will maintain a public "Tribe Index" which will list all Tribes that have opted in to be shown to the public.
Anyone can create a Tribe, for any reason! Here's a few off the top of my head:
- Australians in Singapore (that's me)
- Transformers Fans (again, me)
- Hamish and Andy Fans (yeah, its me again)
- People who go to the same gym as you
- Fridae Members who attend the same college or university
and so on - the sky's the limit!
Joining or creating a Tribe is a great way to get involved with and get to know other Fridae members who might not necessarily be looking for Personals - give it a go today!