Singapore, Sunday 27th May. Tonight, 4 clubs vie for the much coveted title of THE Sunday nite gay party place.
With all the rumours and controversy surrounding this night's parties, how could Fridae not be there to nose about?

above: the Centro Boyz invite card;
below: inside Venom
below: inside Venom
The Prize: the much coveted pink dollar, when hundreds of Singapore's body beautiful (ok, and the rest, too) enjoy their one night of wild clubbing
Party 8
11:40pm First stop: Party 8. I get out of the cab at Ridley's Europa and follow the music to the entrance. I walk in and look the somewhat sparse crowd over. Grabbing a drink and a corner to lurk in, I eye the young crowd (well mostly young - I carefully avoided watching an older man struggling gamely to find a beat, any beat) for some eye candy. Not too bad, mostly the t-shirt and jeans types. Nothing that really sent my twink-o-meter off the scale though. I did chat up one patron and ask how the show went.
"Not bad. The boys were ok, with some very nice ones. But I think they did it too early - a lot of people left after the show. The drag queen wasn't too bad either."
I look at my watch. 12:20. I finish off my cigarette and head for the next club.
Crowd: Younger boys, seemed to be having quite a good time
Music: Gay house is the best I can describe it. DJ wasn't bad.
Cover: S$18
Sunday Nite at Venom
12:40am After a gruelling 20 minute walk (honey, these boots were not made for walking), I gasp into the lobby and buy my ticket for Venom. Although the club has recently been renamed China Black, Sunday nights are still called Venom night. Go figure.
Hmmm? no more grand entrances it seems. The stairway sweeping down to the dance floor has a bar now blocking the view from the floor. Quite crowded. I got the impression that there was a disproportionately large number of women, but it's hard to tell sometimes, eh? Lots of hunks and wannabes on the packed floor and prowling around the sides. With the mood and energy going well, I figured it rated a second drink. I was told there was some glitch where the music went dead for a few minutes, but I didn't see any problems while I was there. Darn, I always miss the good stuff.
Ooops. 1:20. Better get a move on.
Crowd: Seemed more mixed than usual
Music: The well-loved Venom house
Tickets: S$18
Rainbow Sundae
1:34am Enter club. 1:35am Exit club. This event needs some serious publicising. There was one guy enjoying himself immensely on the dancefloor. And I think I got cruised by a cute waiter, but probably just wishful thinking on my part.

above: the Centro Boyz invite card;
below: inside Venom
below: inside Venom
Music: House
Tickets: Free entry
Centro Boyz
1:45am At first glance when u walk in the door, the place seemed kinda laid back. A few people standing around chatting, some boys sitting around outside the entrance. Then I walked around the bar and nearly dropped my drink at the sight of the sheer gyrating mass of bodies packing the dance floor. The bar blocks most of the view when you walk in. And what a view it was. LOTS of nice shirtless bodies, and a fair bit of tongue wrestling around the sides. Too many muscle boys to suit my own taste, but I did overhear one patron commenting almost droolingly on all the flesh being paraded.
The energy and music seemed good, although personally, the lights seemed a little too bright for me. As I got my second drink, my eyes alighted on this incredibly gorgeous guy in a sort of sailor outfit wearing sunglasses and dancing sinuously beside me. Turns out he was part of the house dancers as he moved up to the podium a few minutes later. I was mesmerised. Lord-knows-how-many drinks later, he was still teasing the crowd with glimpses of his g-string. That certainly made my night.
2:43am. Time to slink off to my lair. I raise my glass to sailor boy and to the tireless crowd around me. Ciao, boys. Contrary to the old adage, the wicked do need rest too.
Crowd: Lots of shirtless bodies, some women
Music: Handbag and uplifting house
Tickets: S$18
Well, it seems to this reviewer that Venom and Centro Boyz are the main contenders for gay Sunday night. It should be interesting to see what they come up with to trump each other in weeks to come. After all, in Singapore's busy little hive, there can only be one Queen, right?