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6 Feb 2007

singapore bans madonna's confessions tour DVD for mock-crucifixion scene

Gay icon Madonna's The Confessions Tour: Live from London DVD, which features the singer performing the ballad Live To Tell while suspended from a giant mirrored cross, has been banned by Singapore censors. Fans who can't wait to get their hands on her latest DVD can order through the Fridae Shop.

Madonna's record breaking Confessions Tour filmed at London's Wembley Arena during her worldwide sold-out 25-city run in 2006 has been banned in Singapore for her performance on a massive neon cross in a mock-crucifixion.

Madonna performed the ballad ''Live To Tell'' while suspended from a giant mirrored cross during her ''Confessions Tour'' last year.
The Confessions Tour: Live from London DVD includes the full, unedited version of the controversial performance of her 1986 single "Live To Tell" as well as songs that span the course of Madonna's extraordinary career such as "Ray of Light", "La Isla Bonita", "Like A Virgin", "Erotica", "Music" to "Hung Up" and "Sorry" from her "Confessions On A Dance Floor" CD.

Having already been criticised in the United States where the tour first launched, the 48-year-old mother of two was again criticised by religious groups for kneeling and taking off a crown of thorns to the back-drop of a crucifix during her concert in Rome where the Holy See - which governs the Catholic Church on behalf of the Pope - is located.

The sold-out Confessions World Tour, which went to from major US cities, Canada, Europe and Japan, is the highest-grossing tour ever by a female artist in history.

Nearly two decades ago, Madonna who has a Catholic Italian-American father attracted the ire of the Catholic Church for featuring burning crosses, statues crying blood and seducing a black Jesus in her "Like a Prayer" video.

In late January, Dutch prosecutors announced that the singer will not face charges over the mock crucifixion staged on her 2006 world tour after a Protestant party SGP had called for the singer to be prosecuted. The Amsterdam prosecutor's office said the scene lent itself "to different interpretations" and through her show, "the singer tried to express her frustrations about certain situations in the world."

"It is not a question of contempt for God. Furthermore, Madonna did not discredit Christians as a group," said the prosecutor's office.

In September last year, the star said her performance was an appeal for AIDS charities and released a statement regarding the controversy. She said her specific intent is to "bring attention to the millions of children in Africa who are dying every day, and are living without care, without medicine and without hope."

"My 'confession' follows and takes place on a Crucifix that I ultimately come down from. This is not a mocking of the church. It is no different than a person wearing a Cross or 'Taking Up the Cross' as it says in the Bible. My performance is neither anti-Christian, sacrilegious or blasphemous. Rather, it is my plea to the audience to encourage mankind to help one another and to see the world as a unified whole."

"I am asking people to open their hearts and minds to get involved in whatever way they can."

According to Warner Music, The Confessions Tour DVD is currently being distrubuted across Asia except for Singapore and Malaysia where the DVD is pending approval.

The Confessions Tour: Live from London DVD is now available on Fridae Shop at US$19.90.


1. 2007-02-06 13:38
great songs ,don't miss it guys !!
2. 2007-02-06 14:05
I'm sorry, but how did crucifixion suddenly belong to the Christians? It's a Roman method of execution! After all, there's no naked man there.
3. 2007-02-06 14:15
another dumb decision . . . by a bunch of pple walking ard with stick up their ass.
4. 2007-02-06 14:31
Ha ha! Another act by the WEIRD Singaporean government! Poor things...
5. 2007-02-06 15:13
Nonsense! Singaporean government officers are really free and love to create nonsense. Singaporean always proud of the fact that they are "international standard" and this is what you get now. Really "international standard"! kenasai!

7. 2007-02-06 16:44

totally absurd~~~~~~~!

seen madge's performance in tokyo and osaka and it was totally beautiful and magical.

i can't buy the dvd here in tokyo until march and was thinking to buy it in middle of febuary when i go to singapore. guess i have to wait until march when it is sold here in japan.

guys and gals, please buy the original unsensored version and don't ever support your goverment! they are morons and don't believe in them....

god bless her majesty!!
8. 2007-02-06 18:38
After the book Super Stars from Leslie Kee, now the dvd of Madonna's concert... They are so open minded, it's amazing... It's very sad, in 2007, to see this lack of freedom in Art.
9. 2007-02-06 19:19
I've already suspected something like that happened when the DVD is not on sale in stores. Global hub for the Arts? Maybe they meant that bringing in some BIG boring shows will make Sg a Global Hub for the Arts, filtering the aspects of artistic freedom.

Sad to say again that the govt is ALL TALK only or maybe they're just plain stupid in their interpretation of Global Hub of the Arts.
10. 2007-02-06 19:28
Have u Confessed?
11. 2007-02-06 20:08
And why am I not surprised.
12. 2007-02-06 20:50
We understand you Madge. But we still love Kylie here in Aus. FI Aust
13. 2007-02-06 21:24
There's only one true diva. Madonna! Some peeps just can't handle irony, parody or pastiche! But we can. That's why we love you! Madonna!!!
14. 2007-02-06 21:58
That is just so sad. Thank God for the internet, I'm sure my friends in SG can download it off the net.
Korean government isn't nearly as bad but this professor is being prosecuted for posting a novel with some S&M elements in it and also for posting penis pictures on his website. I personally don't care what people next door do in their own bedroom. Watch porn, read novels, have an orgy. It's none of my business. But I guess most Koreans are a lot nosier than I am.
15. 2007-02-06 22:24
A narrow minded decision to paternally 'protect' our Internet-savvy teens and to keep fundamentalists happy. They're saying, "Don't watch Madonna the artist. Please spend more time supporting the casinos. By all means gamble! You may strike it rich! Thank you."

Yay Singapore!... not.

Beyond comprehension. Tragic.

16. 2007-02-06 22:34
Welcome to Singapore.
17. 2007-02-06 22:47
Singapore loves to ban things. What's new. Period.
19. 2007-02-06 22:57
i watched the entire concert UNCUT on channel v...

i'm sure most of you with starhub cable did too...

and you wonder why mda didn't censor that...
20. 2007-02-06 23:06
They always practise double standards.
21. 2007-02-06 23:11
I t seems the Madonna controversy is arisen not becasue of this particular show but because of her antics in the past, with "Like a Prayer", etc. Besides if she went to some sort of church fellowship, the whole thing would not be about her and her "envelope pushing".

This "celebrities can do no wrong" mentality is pure unadulterated bullshit. I said it before, too, if Islam were treated like she treats Chriistianity, there would be so many fatwahs issued for her being taken out, she could not even step outside her home to go to a Winn Dixie for groceries.
22. 2007-02-07 00:00
And to think I want to move to Singapore!
23. 2007-02-07 00:01
amazing singapore!
live to tell
25. 2007-02-07 00:16
Singapore is a miserable little prison!

26. 2007-02-07 01:37
Nothing to my surprise... that's why it is call Uniquely Singapore! Sigh!!
28. 2007-02-07 01:48
Omg... i've had it with these bigots and philistines I tell you... It's like a crime to have an artistic expression.. People take things too literally really... There is really so much stupidity any decent person can take and I have to say there isn't many in this world. People are not only persecuted for being different but just for having brains as well. I feel whatever we've written here should be posted on a public forum or a local press. I mean it's pretty pointless when all we do is rant about things...
29. 2007-02-07 04:23
is ok, we never buy these things in singapore anyway. that is why we have internet!! oh, and aeroplanes!
30. 2007-02-07 10:39
...and i heard they're banning water soon! bye bye shower cream...
31. 2007-02-07 12:24
Fuck Off !! Motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!
32. 2007-02-07 12:52
i've seen the video. i had order it at once release in the US. its fantastic. a must see show. if u dont have it, u've lost the greatest show performed by most popular female artist.
u can buy online...........
33. 2007-02-07 14:13
GREAT!.....You wanted creativity from us and think out of the box..but when 4 million citizens are in this box and climbing out is subjected to the Terms and Conditions..No this blah blah blah..No that blah blah blah....Action speaks louder that words.Creativity comes with a price! Terms And Condtions apply.*&%$^%$)*
34. 2007-02-07 17:03
I just don't get censorship - I almost understand the Pope's censorship of the Blonde Ambition (masturbation - yada yada) - Almost, because of Catholic Sex Issues (CSI). But how has Madonna offended the non-christian city-state governors?
They're corny
In the end it really doesn't matter because censorship augments hype.
But, they are still corny.
35. 2007-02-07 20:38
I disagree with penstate79. If you have seen the entire concert, there were hints of Islamic "bashing" with the performance of Issac. The color of the costume, the cage, the dance, the screenings in the background, depict the suppression of Muslim women in the world who "yearn" to have the freedom that they deserve. Unfortunately, the crucifixion scene overshadowed this otherwise, beautiful performance.

3 cheers for youtube. I've seen it all and lived to tell. Next thing is to get my hands on the DVD, original and uncensored no less. :-)
36. 2007-02-07 21:44
I have been a Madonna fan since the days of "Like a Virgin" and this is her best show EVER. Up to not the "Girly Show" was my favourite, but this one was just AMAZING.

One would think that humanity would learn from their mistakes. 2000 years ago they crucified an innocent man for being different. Why ban or censor the message Madonna is bringing to the world? By banning and censoring this we might as well crucify Jesus again.

Express yourself! Don't repress yourself!
40. 2007-02-07 23:48
My Singapore . . . poor Singapore . . . I love you. But when will you ever grow up? 42 and still . . . just a simpleton. There are more pressing issues than banning Modonna. Such as . . . unrulely drivers on our roads . . . people spitting in HDB lifts . . . a population of folks who can't smile and need to be reminded to when folks with $ come to town. . . . after 3 decades, a lion on a fish still make sense to you and you alone . . . girls just recently been allowed prancing about on bar-tops . . . "called bar-top dancing" and you call that dancing . . . stupid televison programming that promote immense stupidity and dahness to the messes . . . yah ban Modonna then.

Oh . . . and the biggest joke is sending us to concerts in a prickly dome built around a box . . . and the only reception walking there are either through a messy underground shopping mall or through a beautiful garden and then down to an underground parking lot . . . so little you know about grandiousity and class. And we have to pay big bulks getting there too. Absurd!
41. 2007-02-08 09:48
Whatever her spin on feeding hungry kids & saving the world, we only know too well that 'Madonna' is a seasoned performer who will not hesitate to capitalize on mixing the sacred & the profane to boost sales. Sadly, we as the buying public & audiences also share in the blame for holding up 'Madonna's controversial acts in the name of 'artistic license'. As a mother & so called conscientious citizen of the world, she should very well know where the lines should be drawn.
42. 2007-02-13 11:40
Interesting blog about Madonna and singapore:
43. 2007-02-17 17:21
44. 2007-02-22 22:02
there's always janet jackson...
45. 2007-05-28 16:40
Madonna doesnt give a shit whether SG bans her or not. She issued a public statement years ago citing that she would never ever step foot onto SG again(cos our lovely garment tried to censored this and that of her concert; she cancelled the concert)

So yeah... ban lor... continue to ban...

Uptight moralistic cunts



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