Speaking at a public hearing of the Legislative Council's Panel on Welfare Services on Saturday, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Matthew Cheung Kin-chung reiterated that the proposal was "only relevant to the policy area of domestic violence, and it enables same-sex cohabitants to apply under the ordinance to the court for an injunction order against molestation by their cohabiting partners." He stressed that the inclusion is to provide civil remedies to the victims concerned and does not confer any legal status to same-sex relationships.

Although the Democratic Party had pledged in the legislature election last September that all their legislators would vote in favour of the bill, Wong Sing-chi, a Protestant legislator, has publicly opposed the bill. Himself and several other Catholic and Protestant legislators of the Democratic Party have also asked to be exempted from voting for the current bill.
Wong said in a radio interview on Jan 3 that although he does not oppose giving protection to same-sex couples, he objects to using the word "family" in the Chinese version of the law as it might lead to the legalisation of same-sex marriage. He suggested using "home" or "household" instead of "family."
His suggestion has been rejected by the government countering that the scope of "household" is too broad given that violence involving some people living under the same roof, such as between landlords and tenants, has never been regarded as domestic violence.
Cheung explained: "The proposal is made after taking into consideration the intimate relationship between same-sex cohabitants, as in the relationship between heterosexual cohabitants, which might entail similar special power interface, dynamics and risk factors and render the victims reluctant to report to the Police the abusers' acts of violence and seek redress under the criminal legislative framework."
The Domestic Violence Ordinance, which was enacted in 1986, covers married couples and heterosexual cohabitants. In August last year, an amendment to the ordinance extended coverage to former spouses or cohabitants, as well as immediate and extended family members.
Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun of Hong Kong said in a press statement on Jan 5 that inclusion of same-sex couples in the law would "definitely lead to a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the concepts of marriage and family, thereby undermining the foundation of our society." He also warned that "distorted concepts of marriage and family will bring about other serious consequences."
The cardinal further commented that the Democratic Party has taken the "undemocratic" action of not allowing Wong to vote according to his conscience, according to the Union of Catholic Asian News web site.
A number of Legislative Council Members urged the Administration to further extend the scope of the ordinance to include same-sex cohabitants when the Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill 2007 was introduced into the Legislative Council to extend the scope of the ordinance to cover former spouses and former heterosexual cohabitants. The Administration then undertook to further amend the ordinance to include in its coverage same-sex cohabitants in the 2008-09 legislative session.
A coalition of LGBT groups in Hong Kong including Hong Kong Women's Coalition, Hong Kong Ten Per Cent Club, Rainbow Hong Kong and Rainbow Action has set up an online petition, click here to sign.
Activists at Democratic Party's office protesting certain legislators' opposition of the amendment which seeks to include same-sex cohabitants in the Domestic Violence Law
No wonder there's always violence from the 3 faiths of people from the Book-cos they each want to rule the world with their beliefs.
Sad day.:(
Laws are made by rational human beings.
there is an old saying......... so LAME..
Their opposition does not speak for other Christians who beieve otherwise. Christians are not a monolithic lot, but unfortunately, we who have a more progressive view often get lumped with those who oppose gay rights.
Anyway, in more exciting news:
A gay Anglican bishop, Gene Robinson, is to give the opening prayer at festivities to kick off president-elect Barack Obama's inauguration, the organizing committee said Monday.
The selection of Robinson for the opening party on Sunday came after weeks of criticism over Obama's choice of conservative pastor Rick Warren to deliver the religious invocation on Tuesday, January 20, the day Obama is sworn in to office.
Robinson, who is the first openly gay bishop in the Anglican Communion, will pray at the star-studded event to be broadcast on national television from the Lincoln Memorial on January 18, the inaugural committee said in a statement.
"Our intention is to root the event in history, celebrating the moments when our nation has united to face great challenges and prevail," said executive producer George Stevens, Jr.
Now something for everyone, hope him and Rick Warren can sit side by side and be happy!
It's also great how their Labour Secretary Matthew Cheung first considers the needs of ordinary citizens- of whom, of course, includes same-sex couples- than worry wbout offending pompous people who are only concerned about keeping up with ridiculous status quos of yesteryear. Bravo!
"Would Jesus Descriminate?" NO ! and nor should they. They should be setting an example of Love & caring for All in the entire community, not alienating fellow human beings because of their Race, Colour or SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Shame on them who believe but dont care...they only make a laughing mockery of themselves... no wonder there are so many variations of both Catholic & Prodistant Churches around the world. All believing in studid things such as what constitues the correctness of Holy Communion, and the caring of others, than themselves.
God created us because God Loves us, not to make someone whom God can bash or hate.
OMG says God, I accidently created another one of them Homosexuals, or Transvestites, oh well, I'll let the other humans deal with them as they wish. I'll get on with making more perfect humans to inhabit the Earth. NOT!!!!!!!
May God Bless You All Real Good.
Shane Andersen
Video Outreach
"Cuddlykoala" on fridae.com
Concepts are man made. If "family" and "household" cannot be agreed upon, then create one (eg. "domestic nucleus"?) and define it in the legislation!
That said, I applaud the Hong Kong Administration for their bold, robust and sensible approach to extend the application of the protection to same sex partners and yet allow debate against it. That is a lot more like a world city - compared to Singapore and its 377A debates.
who we love comes from deep inside feelings...obviously not a choice to chose who we love...since we cant create feelings
Im also a christian but im sad to hear that these homophobes are using the religion as an escuse to discriminate us...
I wonder what these homophobes want..may be want a couple to stop loving,just bcos they are of the same sex.
every couple deserve to be protected...including those of the same gender.Non of LGBT people are disturbing lives of staight peoples..theres no point for them to disturb LGBT,I hope they(activists and Christian legislators)will soon mind their own business.
These christians purport to care about reducing domestic violence, promoting family values, protecting children, or working for charity blah blah.
In reality, all they care about is getting more people to convert to their narrow minded bigoted and Dark Ages viewpoint.
Have you heard how the catholic charity st vincent de pauls in Australia is hounding one of their most long term dedicated charity worker through the (expensive) courts because she was not a catholic but merely a christian? These people do not deserve our respect.
Who was it who said "it is christians who give God a bad name"? I'm sure Jesus would be appalled. (Hey, if a child molester in a frock can pretend to speak for God, I can too!)
The religion only serves economic interest and power to those people that practice it.
This world one day will be free of religion, of course that will be in 500 hundred years or more.
The religion has too many dirty businesses involve and unfortunately the women don't have any chance to get involve on it. This power is ONLY FOR MEN.