The following is an announcement from the Board of Fridae:
Fridae announces today – at the start of its twelfth year of operations – new leadership and the resignation of Dr Stuart Koe as Director and CEO of the company and all its affiliates.

Stuart is one of the original founders of Fridae together with Mark Henderson and Robert Yeoh (who passed away in July 2007 ) and Stuart has been the CEO of the company since May 2003. The Board respects his decision and wishes him well for the future.
With Stuart’s resignation, it is with great pleasure that the Board has appointed a new CEO, Terry Battersby, the former head of I.T and Telecommunications of the Centre for the Development of Enterprise (CDE) in Brussels, Belgium. Terry has just moved back to live in Asia and the timing has been indeed fortunate for the company. Terry has had more than 30 years experience in I.T. and business development in Malaysia, the UK, Italy, Caribbean, the Pacific, Africa, and the European Commission. Terry’s business development expertise will be very important in taking Fridae forward.
Very soon, Fridae will be launching its new website, Version 7, using new technology and supporting new applications. The first of these to be launched later in the year will be its new mobile dating service.
Fridae is today the premier multi-lingual gay website in Asia with a clear and unwavering vision which has never shifted since its inception: Fridae is working towards a world where every individual, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, may live equally, in dignity, with pride.
To Dr Koe: I would like to say a big THANK YOU xx...and regretfully, farewell. All the best to you and hopefully, this will not be the last contact we have of you...please keep in touch with us, even if it's through an occasional article, FB post or blog/vlog..anything!
And welcome aboard, Mr Battersby. :)
All the best in your future endeavours.
Live long.
Warm personal regards. JP
However the way the announcement is phrased leaves a nasty taste in the mouth - there is clearly some unpleasantness at board level.
We trust that this new CEO has the unanimous and comprehensive backing of the entire board.
Even if the board does not wish to extend any thanks and appreciation to Dr Koe I wish to join the majority of authors of comments here and to say thank you for all his efforts and to wish him well in the future.
this will either be "typical" or exceptional. lets hope for exceptional. but im ready to dump out, as was necessary with the recent trashing of 'myspace' by fox as they claimed "improvements". they improved it so much, it is now dead and for sale!
i wait with crossed fingers
Welcome on board Terry.
Time for a wake-up call for Fridae to be an easy to use portal. Having an IT guy as the top man should be a bonus. Start looking around for ideas from other sites and incorporate what the members need not what Fridae thinks we need to keep us coming back here on regular basis.
I met and interviewed Stuart Koe for my weekly gay multicultural radio program in Melbourne when he was here for the regional Out Games in 2007. An inspiring, enthusiastic, and committed gentleman who was keen to open up avenues and opportunities, creat awareness, and assist coming out, for the broader GLBTI community accross Asia.
Best wishes for your future activities, Stuart.
thanks for the memories...
Thanks for making this site - I will always be indebted to you.
Wish you luck with whatever you are involved with for the future.
Infomation ---> education ---> Knowledge --> EmPowerment
post 45..lagunabro, you can change your pic and ID a million times but you can't hide your hatred.
Please get the systems response time UP before doing any other thing. Members can skip content like the news stories or members can dive into those and skip the dating but whatever a member likes to do on the site waiting for page loads becomes annoying. I think many members don't use the site because of this problem. I have seen this single complaint sprinkled into almost every member comment board for several years NOW.
For the current board, if you don't improve for the betterment of Fridae.Asia to the next level, you will surely see the results in due time. We need someone with the Asian-cultural feel on this website. If it is just gonna be like (look what happened), it becomes passé.
If Fridae will be just like Manhunt, Gaydar, Adam4Adam, PlanetRomeo, Squirt.Org, Dudenudes, Silverdaddies, M4M-world, manjam and recon, then, might I might as well stay there. I chose Fridae due to its "ASIAN" content. If this "ASIAN" factor starts to change, then you will surely lose huge clientele that will just go to one of the above for just as good with impeccable service.
Looking forward to the improvement of Fridae under a good leadership. We will be watching...