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24 Feb 2016

Catholic Church in Singapore urges boycott of Madonna concert

Religious groups in Singapore, led by the city-state's archbishop, have been lobbying against the Queen of Pop's concert this month

Madonna already agreed to cut a particularly racy section of the show after lobbying from conservative members of the population.

A part of the show featuring scantily-clad nuns and crucifix stripper poles has been removed from the Singapore leg of her Rebel Heart tour.

Officials also placed an R-rating on the show for its sexual references so concert-goers must be aged 18 or over.

However, this was not enough to stop archbishop William Goh from denouncing the star's performance in a message to his congregation. He warned believers not to support those who “denigrate and insult religions.”

This is not the first time Madonna has courted controversy in Singapore. In 1993 she was barred from performing after police said her performances bordered on the obscene and were “objectionable to many on moral and religious grounds."

Madonna will play at the national stadium on Sunday 28 February.


1. 2016-02-25 00:07
Isn't it nice to have a church protecting our morals - even if those aren't our morals and we don't go to that church. Personally, I do not like self-righteous hypocritical dumbshits interfering in things that are none of their business and telling the rest of us what to believe and how to live.

If a person thinks Madonna is evil, he/she should just not go to the show.
2. 2016-02-25 03:55
decisions, decisions ! Really difficult for the leeching pappie mob... they want the money the concert brings so dearly... but yet they need to look after the stupid who vote for them... so how ?
3. 2016-02-25 07:45

I think people should be protected from seeing a nearly 60 yo woman strutting about lip syncing semi naked.

But then Catholics like to watch old men in dresses.

Singapore does need some strong morals to keep your pensions safe tho
4. 2016-02-28 09:38
The show is amazing and an inspiration. If you miss it you've lost out badly.
5. 2016-02-29 06:13
I'm glad I know not to pay £50+ to a nearly 60yo woman to be amazed and inspired.

I also know not to private message people with abusive messages.
6. 2016-03-05 07:23
Nice to see that selective and mysogynist ageism is alive and well. Provided it's not applied to oneself of course.




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