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7 Jun 2019

Circuit Festival Asia this weekend in Pattaya!

Thousands expected for annual summer Waterpark Party and Beach Party.

Thousands of partygoers are expected in Pattaya this weekend for the Annual Circuit Festival Asia.


This event, which started last year, follows on from the Circuit event in Barcelona in Europe run by the Matinee Group, which has run this for many years. Like the event in Europe, this weekend’s festivities will include a Waterpark Party and a Beach Party, as well as two Dance Parties at big club in Pattaya.


Last year’s event was great fun with the highlight being the Party at the Waterpark, which included all the fun water rides as well as a dance Party in a huge pool, with Asia’s top DJ - Spectrum K. The party on the beach was also great fun and atmospheric as the sun went down.

This year will follow a similar format with a Friday night dance party, the Waterpark party during the day Saturday followed by a night dance part with the closing Beach Party on Sunday. The organisers have reported double the ticket sales of last year - so this promises to be a fun weekend!
Top DJs will be playing and Asia’s top DJ and Circuit Festival resident DJ Spectrum K will kick off the festivities on Friday.
This is a party with a difference and should be great fun.

This year will follow a similar format with a Friday night dance party, the Waterpark party during the day Saturday followed by a night dance part with the closing Beach Party on Sunday. The organisers have reported double the ticket sales of last year - so this promises to be a fun weekend!


Top DJs will be playing and Asia’s top DJ and Circuit Festival resident DJ Spectrum K will kick off the festivities on Friday. This is a party with a difference and should be great fun.

For more information, click here



1. 2019-06-07 15:01
be careful for coming to pattaya for dance.
because of so many people come, i had been lost way to go back to hotel.

I walked from fresh sea fish market to pattaya at about 7pm, so many show along roads that you probably want to see without remind what just passing.

You probably will find big cock bulging muscle men show or if you are unlucky, you will find boy sucking cock in club at certain road.
so, you should always remember what road you will walk through.

I also went to gay beach and played volleyball.
I recommend you to stay at hotel between waterpark and gay beach
or you can stay at hotel own by gay , so you will get information to where you better to go.

2. 2019-06-07 21:48
men should be careful on visiting club, cafe, etc
because there were girls/ ladies who like to touch your cock and suck it in public
i know that places around pattaya
3. 2019-06-10 21:01
gays also should know that there is plaza not far from pattaya water park that all are only men-boys exist, you will not find any woman/girl .

How about food and drink?
wow, i found food and drink that not available in indonesia or difficult to find. you will probably find them at 4-5 star hotel/restaurant in indonesia but they are many as street food in pattaya , so it become my daily menus without feeling boring, and never change that golden opportunity to take that menus. it was happiness for me and for my stomach.

4. 2019-06-10 21:14
for asian boys, comming to pattaya is not complicated, both documentation or conditions
so that it will not become your big loads
pattaya is multinational area that so many boys from all over the world come to unify
I met men from africa, Canada, australia, etc
修改於2019-06-10 21:17:26
5. 2019-06-10 21:29
area near pattaya water park probably Real boys-men paradise
it is true, not faking hope.
6. 2019-06-17 00:35
botwildfck - I am sure the editor is happy that someone responds so regularly to new news items but instead of a string of posts do you think you might consider marshalling your thoughts before hitting the keyboard?

There are many gay guides to Pattaya, some more accurate than others. Whilst personal comments are useful, some of what you write above is nonsense, sorry to say. "men should be careful on visiting club, cafe, etc because there were girls/ ladies who like to touch your cock and suck it in public" is rubbish. Of course, if you saw this lewd action, perhaps you will inform members here of the exact name of the cafe, I will happily offer an apology. But as an old Thailand hand, I do not believe it.




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