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5 Aug 2019

Transgender people more acceptable in Thai society according to poll

Bangkok Post reports that a recent poll concluded that Transgender people are more accepted in Thai Society

according to an opinion survey released on Sunday by the National Institute of Development Administration, or Nida Poll.

The poll was conducted on July 30-31 on 1,259 people aged 15 and over of various levels of education and occupations throughout the country to gauge their attitudes to transgender people on various issues including their demand to change their title and for an additional box to tick their alternative genders in officials documents.

This followed a visit to parliament last month by representatives of a group campaigning for a legal right to recognition for transgenders to push for a bill that would allow them to change their title after they undergo sex reassignment surgery.

Asked whether it would be acceptable to them if their friends or colleagues at workplaces are transsexuals, a huge majority - or 90.15% - said "yes", reasoning that people should be judged by their ability and conduct, not their sexual preference; 7.78% said "no", saying they are not acceptable to them; and 2.07% were uncertain or had no comment. In a 2015 survey, the percentage of acceptance was 88.72.

To read more, click here!



1. 2019-08-07 01:54
Now on the legalizing same sex marriage!
修改於2019-08-07 01:54:35
2. 2019-08-07 14:59
You'd better wait a long time! Don't you live in Thailand? If so, you will be perfectly well aware that transgender people have been accepted as part of Thai society since the 14th century. This took a dip after Thailand adopted western ways in the 1930s but rose again following World War 2. Now there are katoey all over the country. If this were not acceptable culturally, it is surely hardly likely that the huge majority of 90.15% of those polled said they would be happy to have one as a friend or colleague at work.

To draw from this an inference that legalising sex marriage will follow is pie in the sky!
3. 2019-08-12 03:19
It is wonderful to see more and more acceptance in the world! Yeah!
4. 2019-08-12 11:17
Try a poll amongst Thai people about acceptance of gay men and an LGBT lifestyle, @HappyWilly. As you will well know, the vast majority in this conservative country will be against it. It is one of the strange facts about living in Thailand. Many Thai families accept that their sons or daughters may be gay - I know one family where both son AND daughter are gay - but there is little general acceptance of gay men.

Why are so few young professional men 'out'? For years I worked in Thailand and I know that full well that they are afraid of the effect on their colleagues but particularly on their diminished prospects of advancement within their companies. When Bangkok had its Gay Pride Parades, why did no ordinary Thai guys join in? Because they were organised by the commercial gay establishments and those marching were basically boys from the commercial gay establishments and flamboyant ladyboys! No non-commercial Thai gay men would go near the Parades. Attendance was so poor the event was cancelled more than a dozen years ago. Fact!

Compare that with the huge annual Pride Marches in Taipei - 140,000 estimated attendance last year. These have always been organised by a committed group of gay citizens with no connection to any commercial gay establishment. In the many Taipei Marches I have attended, families and children always take part, and young and older Taiwanese are joined by participants from many Asian countries including Thailand. Yet these same Thais would never dare be seen taking part in a Gay Pride March in Bangkok!




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