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25 Aug 2022

How do you motivate yourself to go to the gym?

Getting there is half the battle.

There’s nothing like filming yourself having sex, watching it back, and realising that you’ve got a lot of angles that really aren’t your best side.
That’s how I motivate myself to get to the gym.
Other tactics that you might want to consider include:
Book it into your diary as a meeting that can’t be moved.
Pay for personal trainer sessions — you will be losing money if you don’t go.
Find a gym buddy so you’ve got someone who is waiting for you at the gym.
Give yourself a reward each time you go to the gym — incentivise yourself.
Eat your meals naked, in front of a mirror.

We've all got lots of excuses of why we didn't make it to the gym - we're busy, the gym is crowded, or maybe you just weren't feeling it.

But getting there is half the batttle. Once you're at the gym, no matter what you do, you're going to be doing your body some good - both physically and mentally.

For me, the way that I motivate myself to get to the gym is to film myself having sex, watching it back, and realising that I've got a lot of angles that definitely aren't my best side.

Other tactics that you might want to consider include:

  • Book it into your diary as a meeting that can’t be moved.
  • Pay for personal trainer sessions — you will be losing money if you don’t go.
  • Find a gym buddy so you’ve got someone who is waiting for you at the gym.
  • Give yourself a reward each time you go to the gym — incentivise yourself.
  • Eat your meals naked, in front of a mirror.


1. 2022-08-26 00:32
what does sex have to do with a workout? you need a goal. why do i want to go to the gym?
2. 2022-08-26 21:47
I reward myself each gym visit with a double chocolate milk shake.....I must say the workouts are NOT helping me lose weight however.




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