Upon receiving her complimentary copy of Ms Anna Nalick's debut album, Ms Scary is simply astounded by how much the singer-songwriter resembles the long-lost twin sister of lesbian favourite Gillian Anderson aka Special Agent Scully from The X-Files on her CD cover.

Throughout the album, the native Californian - who cites a wide range of musical influences from Fiona Apple to Tori Amos - sounds like the heir apparent to Ms Alanis Morissette (most notably in "Paper Bag"), channels Ms Dolores-wail-like-a-weeping-widow-O'Riordan in "In My Head" and croons oh-so-vulnerably on Natalie Merchant type ballads such as "Wreck Of The Day" and "Forever Love."
But before you put the back of your hand to your forehead and exclaim: "Not another female singer-songwriter wallowing in perpetual PMS angst!", Ms Scary would advise you to give Wreck Of The Day a chance - and you may just find yourself pleasantly surprised with an album that repays you with repeat listens.
Scary's Selected Spins: "Breathe (2 am)," "Citadel," "Paper Bag," "Wreck Of The Day," "Forever Love" and "In My Head."