A heartwarming nature documentary along the lines of March of the Penguins, Arctic Tale tells the coming-of-age story of a polar bear cub Nanu and a walrus pup Seela who live in the Arctic, where global warming has serious and life-threatening consequences on its animal inhabitants.
The shrinking ice isles mean that Seela and her family members are more at risk of being attacked and eaten by polar bears. The dwindling ice shelf is also forcing Nanu's mother to abandon her when she is not ready to fend for herself. As the creatures hunt for food, undertake long migrations and escape their predators, you can't help but grow attached to these adorable animals.
Narrated by Queen Latifah, Arctic Tale interweaves its stories of survival with grave ecological warnings. Directors Adam Ravetch and Sarah Robertson took five years to make this documentary and their efforts have largely paid off save for the cheesy pop songs that litter the soundtrack and the needless cheap humour of farting walruses.
Lovers of nature documentaries should definitely catch by this latest excursion into the end of the earth and bring their nephew, nieces or school kids along.