Xiao Dai (小呆), a former professional model and founder of Xinjiang Rainbow Group ( 新疆彩缘工作组), a HIV advocacy and outreach group targeting men who have sex with men, has arrived in Oslo, Norway to represent China at the Mr Gay World pageant to be held in Oslo this weekend. The event will see 24 contestants from five continents compete for the title of Mr Gay International.

Although the event which was scheduled to be held on Jan 15 was cancelled at the last minute by Beijing police due to permit issues, the 25-year-old who hails from a Muslim family in Xinjiang province was selected by a panel of judges, according to Danlan, a Chinese gay web site.
Mr Gay World 2010 director Tore Aasheim told AFP: "Chinese authorities did not want a Chinese contestant to come to Norway to take part in our pageant but thanks to the Norwegian embassy, which rushed his visa delivery, the participant arrived yesterday (Tuesday) in Oslo."
"It is very courageous on his part to have taken the risk to leave his country to take part in an event to which Chinese authorities are hostile," Aasheim said. "In Beijing, all the contestants were gathered in one room and police clearly indicated they did not want a Chinese participation in the pageant."
Other Asian representatives at the Mr Gay World pageant:
Mr. Gay Hong Kong
Rick Dean Twombley (33)
Hobbies: Working Out, Writing, Video Editing, Choreography, Reality Television
Profession: Professional Dancer/Aerialist
Mr. Gay Philippines
David Noel Bosley (36)
Hobbies: Reading, singing, movies
Profession: Visual Merchandiser
Mr. Gay Thailand
Sorawit Piamthongkum (34)
Hobbies: Music, Movie, Cooking, Swimming and Weight Training
Profession: IT System Analyst
Reader's Comments
Oh yeah, Mr. Philippines looks cutesy!
I am pleased that mainland China has a contestant. As an ex-model who had been judged the most articulate provincial contestant (of Xinjiang Province) in a national man hunt in China, he has not just the looks but also the confidence and the eloquence to contest in Norway.
The most important quality he possesses, however, is his passion for LGBT activism. However, I think that the organiser should have been more politically correct by calling him Mr Mainland China. To the Chinese government, HK and Taiwan belong to China. So, the organiser should not insinuate that Taiwan and HK don't.
Xiaodai had tremendous courage by starting his LGBT activism in a very challenging environment. Xinjiang has a significant Muslim community and is located inland where the society is less exposed to the more progressive, liberal culture of the West, unlike the coastal cities of mainland China such as Shenzhen.
A lesson learned here, JUST DO IT!
gong xi fa cai, xin nian kuai le!
It is true that they're all winners, and this statement is not just a "feel good cliche". (though it DOES feel good!)
So now we know a bit more of the truth; that Chinese officials did not, in fact, want China to be represented at the Oslow event, so they enacted a precisely planned and executed strategy to attempt to prevent participation on the part of a Chinese contestant.....while making it appear plausible that it was the organizer's failure to procure the proper permits/licenses to hold the Bejing event.
I'm glad their plot failed.
Thanks to the Norwegian government for expediting his visa and also to the event organizers for making sure Xiao Dai made it to the event on time.
Good fortune to ALL the contestants, and it'll be exciting to see who comes away with the title and the tiara!
The sexiest, cutest boy, http://www.worldwidemrgay.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=122:argentina-2010&catid=25:america&Itemid=52
didn't even get into the first 5???!!
What a bunch of shitheads those jurors must be! :-(
Mr.Gay Thailand is so hot...
UGH, these contests are just as bad as Miss Universe. I guess gay men are not any smarter than straight men in a stripper bar.
All the comments above focus on Mr. Thailand being "hot"....when you are 60 years old "hot" doesn't cut it folks. How about a little more diversity ( and I don't mean race) in these meaningless contests?
"I'd still like to see less perfect contestants. Ripped model types only perpetuate the stereotype that gay men are shallow and only concerned with appearance. Brains, sense of humor, compassion should be qualities they look for instead of six pack abs or a chiseled face."
Is that why your userpic is that of a ripped statuesque model(of yourself)?
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