Thailand's health authorities have launched a pilot project to dispense free condoms at entertainment venues frequented by gay men as HIV surveillance data continue to indicate a high HIV transmission rate among MSM in Thailand due to unsafe sex.

Of the estimated 10,097 new HIV cases expected this year, 30% would involve men having sex with men, according to the Public Health Ministry, the Bangkok Post reported on Mar 31.
Under the 'Condom Point' programme, purple plastic boxes filled with 300 condoms of different sizes and lubricant gel packs will be installed at entertainment spots such as discos, karaoke bars, fitness centres, saunas and beauty salons.
"If we don't come up with any prevention plan, this MSM group could account for half the total new cases in the country in the next 14 years," Public Health permanent secretary Paijit Warachit was quoted as saying by the Post.
Some 188 entertainment nightspots in 30 provinces including Chiang Mai, Chon Buri and Phuket have agreed to participate. Dr Paijit added that the programme is planned to cover entertainment spots nationwide by next year.
An estimated 2.5 million baht (US$82,600) in funding was allocated for the project this year.
Reader's Comments
So what about the other 70%? Why just MSM? That might too be much of a shock and take money out of the pockets of the elites running the "hetero" massage parlors! So typical.
Anyway, the 30% figure indicates that gay men/MSM are OVERrepresented since gay men/MSM do not make up 30% of the general population or male population...
Not to argue statistics with you kellen; it's never been proven, or accurately quantified just what percentage of the population is represented by us gay men (and likely, never will). Having said that, can we all agree that perhaps 30% is about 30% too high?
when there is free condoms and lube available, it doesn't mean you must wear it. It is all no force needed, only your common sense.
If you and your partner know for a long time, and knew both are safe and not playing around then it is O.K to do some bareback.
But if you met some random guy that you know little not nothing at all, better be safe than sorry, even though it's not as good as without rubber.
I don't get the singling out comment.
It might be helpful for others, so don't see the world from your view only.
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