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5 Jul 2019

School in China removes 'harms of homosexuality' classroom display after outcry

The school in China's poster claimed homosexuality poses a threat to 'normal’ society.

Public outcry prompted a school in South China to remove a classroom display explaining the ‘harms of homosexuality this week’. Hengxian No.2 High School in the Guangxi removed the poster, which was intended to prevent HIV, this week, according to an employee.

Photos widely shared on the internet show the poster’s ‘harms of sexuality’ column, which claimed how homosexuality allegedly goes against the laws of nature and that homosexuals are mentally unstable, with a higher risk of suicide or of harming others. It also lists LGBT people as a threat to ’normal’ society. What’s more, it said homosexuals have a shorter life span. Finally, they are more vulnerable to addiction due to a ’spiritual void’, the classroom poster stated.

‘I cannot imagine how LGBT students at this school feel after seeing this’ one user wrote on Weibo. ‘I hope my LGBT friends will never see or hear words like these’ they also said. A school in Hunan province, meanwhile, this week launched an ‘LGBT anti-discrimination wall’.

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Reader's Comments

1. 2019-07-08 13:57
I think AIDS/HIV education posters in Indonesia have been much more sophisticated than this, luckily.
2. 2019-07-18 10:05
I do not read Chinese well and cannot translate that notice. Sadly it seems it is an anti-homosexual treatise rather than one specifically related to HIV/AIDS.

Back in history China used to be a far more tolerant society for gay/bisexual men, at least where the rulers were concerned. In his book "A Hidden Love: Arts and Homosexuality", Dominique Fernandez makes many interesting observations about sex in China. It had, he claims, "a glorious erotic culture, largely but by no means heterosexual". Emperor Ai Ti of cut sleeve fame and Long Yang now best known through the Long Yang clubs in a few parts of the world are but two historically gay figures. In the Liu-Song dynasty, 15-year old Liu Ziye became famous for his orgies with men and eunuchs who served at the Court.

Just before the missionaries began arriving in their droves and started importing their strict (surface only) Victorian England morality, the book "Passions of the Cut Sleeve" outlined the fifty most famous cases of love between men in China. Equally sadly, after the high watermark of the Ming dynasty, everything was gradually changing under the Qing and the western invaders.

But even as the nonsense as posted in that school continues, present-day China has to do a lot more to face up to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the fact that it is not a gay disease. It also has to face up to the fact that it has around 50 million more young men than women. But that's another story.

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