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5 Jul 2019

Malaysian political party sacks youth chief over gay sex video

A gay sex video purporting to show the youth chief and a cabinet minister has rocked Malaysian politics.

A Malaysian political party on Wednesday (3 July) sacked a regional youth chief over a high-profile gay sex video scandal allegedly involving a cabinet minister. Footage purporting to show Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali having sex with another man has rocked Malaysia, where gay sex is illegal. Regional Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) youth chief Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz last month revealed he was one of the people in the sex video. He also said authorities should investigate Azmin for corruption.

In Malaysia, people widely believe the other of the two naked men having sex in a hotel room is Azmin. Azmin’s office maintains that the video clips are fake. Police arrested Aziz at on June 14 at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Authorities since released him on bail.  On Wednesday, PKR disciplinary board chairman said Aziz had breached party discipline.

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Reader's Comments

1. 2019-07-06 02:11
And so it begins....witch-hunts.
2. 2019-07-06 14:12
So it begins? Oh! Come on! Sex - and gay sex in particular - has been part of Malaysian politics for decades. Didn't you read what happened to Anwar Ibrahim, Mahatir's Deputy Prime Minister in the mid-1990s. Mahatir fell out with the married man with six children and slung him in jail on trumped up sodomy charges. Once out, Mahatir's successor did precisely the same. In that case the accuser was so obviously a liar to all except the judicial system. Mahatir is merely continuing the trend.

It's not a witch-hunt. It's politics!
3. 2019-07-06 19:44
Gay sex remains illegal under British colonial-era laws in Malaysia = HOAX
we should investigate which british? Christian british or Malaysian who confess as british? or who?
4. 2019-07-06 19:48
who's colonial now?
5. 2019-07-06 20:28
Another idiotic rant from botwlildfck. The law was introduced in the 1860s by the British colonists. What n earth does it matter who in particular introduced it. They are ALL dead!
6. 2019-07-07 01:51
Mr. Gunoilh2o you seem to love to put down everyone here....did you get up on the wrong side of the bed or are you just a chronic grumpy old man that needs to take a Valium? Really!? Calm down and quit being a Bi@@ch.
7. 2019-07-07 13:37
I love u HappyWIlly :-)
8. 2019-07-07 14:35
@HappyWilly - Oh how wrong you are! I have a great life. I travel extensively for work and vacation - 8 million kms at the last count - and my Tripadvisor map claims I have visited 41% of the world. How it comes to that figure I have no idea and it is certainly not accurate. But it indicates how extensively I have travelled. I enjoy my work, my life, my friends, life with my partner and vacations immensely. I have already had four vacations in Asia of a week or more this year so far.

I criticise inane comments which a number of posters here make, many repeatedly. Most have little clue about real life based in Asia and their comments are frankly either dead wrong or sometimes just plain farcical and catty or continually moaning about their personal circumstances because they won't do anything about them! I am no bitch. I merely tell it like it really is.

I see we live not too far from each other in Thailand. There is a bitch forum here which you might consider joining to vent your feelings. Incidentally I am not a member!
9. 2019-07-08 13:31
Hello everyone, and also to gunoilh2o and HappyWilly. Didn't realize the commentary section of the news is still alive. I thought fridae is a graveyard these days :-)
10. 2019-07-08 13:54
So, to those who have watched said video(s), especially fellow Malaysians, what is your say? Do you think the two in action are really them? It's just too blurry IMO.
11. 2019-07-08 14:07
Thank you @hylander. I'm sorry I have not seen the video and so cannot comment. But as I have said before I suspect this was political - probably in more ways than one.

Interesting comment about fridae being a graveyard. Compared to the site it used to be a few years ago, sadly it sure is!
12. 2019-07-08 14:41
@gunoilh2o 100% agree it's political. This scheme has been done several times already, seems like a favorite move by politicians there. Haven't lived in Malaysia, so don't know exactly why that's the case.
13. 2019-07-08 17:14
@hyander - glad to hear that you agree it's political and nothing to do with the start of a gay witch-hunt.

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