UN chief Ban Ki-moon called on countries to abolish laws that discriminate against gays and lesbians during a panel discussion held on the sidelines of the 15th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council.
David Bahati, the Ugandan MP responsible for the draconian Anti-Homosexuality Bill currently under consideration, is found to be linked to “The Fellowship”, a US-based religious and political organisation that is "waging spiritual war in the halls of American power and around the globe."
Referring to protesters from the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church as "hate criminals" who were picketing outside the concert venue, the pop singer tweeted to fans asking them not to respond to any provocation.
The BBC had to rephrase their poll title after it drew intense criticism from readers and lawmakers for inviting debate on whether gays and lesbians should face execution in Uganda.
Uganda’s “Kill the gays” bill is said to be inspired by an American ex-gay activist and author of Coming Out Straight who claims he has helped thousands of gays “become” straight.
British officials have barred anti-gay US pastor Fred Phelps and his daughter from entering the country after announcing plans to protest against a play based on a gay hate crime.
News of Singapore's largest bank's S$15,000 Christmas present to the anti-gay Focus on the Family group has spurred gay and lesbian credit card holders to act.
South Korean queers have responded forcefully to the anti-gay Christian fundamentalist lobby's efforts to remove them from a landmark non-discrimination bill currently being reviewed by lawmakers. Matt Kelley reports from Seoul.
Jerry Falwell - who is most unfondly remembered for declaring that lesbians, gays and feminists brought on the terrorist attacks of 2001 by angering God - has died after being found 'unresponsive' in his office on Tuesday morning.
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