Writer-director Judd Apatow must be one of the freshest talents in Hollywood these days. His hit debut film The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005) was a genuinely funny and sweet comedy that boosted comedian Steve Carrell's career overnight. Judd's sophomore effort Knocked Up is believe it or not even funnier and sweeter than the first.
The story begins with Seth Rogen, an overweight slacker who spends a lot of his time with videogames and pornography. One evening, he meets the gorgeous career girl Katherine Heigl (the babe from Grey's Anatomy) in a bar. And although her standards are normally high when she's sober, they are drastically lowered when she's very drunk.
Seth and Katherine end up having a one-night stand and as the title tells you, she gets pregnant. Contrary to what many a modern girl might do, Katherine decides to stay positive and keep the baby. But that means that Seth, the baby's father, would have to grow up as well and face up to his responsibilities...
What makes Knocked Up so terrific is the strong vein of realism running through the script, direction and acting. All the characters are completely genuine, believable and identifiable even as they deliver their gags and punch-lines. Many scenes, such as Katharine's sister (Leslie Mann) and her husband (Paul Rudd) arguing, feel so realistic that you can almost imagine yourself in the characters' shoes.
Anyone who appreciates witty, smart and humane comedies should catch this. Knocked Up is quite simply a knockout.
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