Returning to the murder mystery and police procedural, Mother is a continuation of Bong’s preoccupation with adapting and subverting genre films to expose the dark heart of Korean society. Here, an overprotective mother is driven to undertake her own investigations when her mentally-challenged son (played by Won Bing in a charmingly dorky mop do) becomes the prime suspect in a sloppily-conducted murder investigation by the local police force.
However, Bong is not content to revert to movies he has already made. Mother begins as one of his trademark off-centre genre films, but unlike The Host or Memories of Murder (which stayed within their genres), it grows out naturally of its genre by the half-way mark and morphs into an inspiring and sometimes dark, even grotesquely comic vision of motherly love.
While Won Bin retains his charm in his first movie after graduating from national service, the star of the show here is Kim Hye-ja, who turns her character into a force of nature to be reckoned with. Bong’s screenplay gives her room for scenery-chewing, but unlike J Michael Straczynski’s Changeling, this film takes far stranger twists and exposes more darkness even in the hearts of ordinary people.
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