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Professional Amateurs: Never The Sinner (22-25 Feb)

Professional Amateurs: Never The Sinner (22-25 Feb)

Zhuang Yisa popped by at a rehearsal of The Stage Club's Never The Sinner which runs from Wednesday to Saturday, and talks to the director and co-stars about play's homoromantic theme.


The Phantom of the Opera might have his Old World glamour. Miss Saigon might have her descending helicopter and her me-love-you-long-time exoticness. What Rent has is Karen Mok - scream, everyone - and an eclectic cast of characters whose trials and tribulations you will not easily forget.


"Yes! Primal desire - that's unchanging! Every man from Paris to China feels the same urgent stirring in his loins." That's the Marquis de Sade for you. Quills by Luna-id is an enjoyably unsettling piece of intellectual stimulation. You don't have to worry about protection for this one.
Manila Pink Film Festival: Jun 3 - 14

Manila Pink Film Festival: Jun 3 - 14

Fridae is proud to be a sponsor of the third annual Manila Pink Film Festival which kicks off on Friday at the Gateway Mall in Cubao. Organisers hope to highlight reproductive health concerns and confront homophobia, discrimination and unequal treatment of LGBTs.
Tips for a safe and hassle free Sydney Mardi Gras

Tips for a safe and hassle free Sydney Mardi Gras

The month-long Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival will culminate this weekend in a spectacular parade down Oxford Street; and the massive Mardi Gras Party.


Presented by Toy Factory on April 7-10 and 12-17, Porcelain is Singapore-born playwright Chay Yew's debut that attempts to bridge the gap between men who publicly claim they are straight and the gay men who know better.
Craving for more!

Craving for more!

kd lang made her Hong Kong debut Wednesday night. Dinah Gardner reviews the fun, frolics and aural pleasures from one of the world's greatest lesbian singer-songwriters, now on her Asian tour.
The Visit of the Tai Tai, Oct 22-31

The Visit of the Tai Tai, Oct 22-31

Famed director and actor Ivan Heng (who also plays the lead role as the Tai Tai) shares his thoughts about money, meanings and messages in W!LD RICE'S The Visit of the Tai Tai.
Spy and Ego

Spy and Ego

Catch Spy and Ego, the dynamic and captivating double bill of contemporary dance by artistic directors Lim Chin Huat and Tan How Choon as they explore the themes of isolation, voyeurism, reality and fantasia.
Dick Lee's <I>The Good Citizen</I>, Sep 8 - 12

Dick Lee's The Good Citizen, Sep 8 - 12

National values are put to the test in this thought-provoking and relevant drama, the first non-musical written by singer-songwriter and Singapore Idol judge Dick Lee.

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