Eric Lowe presents his new biography on the Chinese-born Japanese actress and politician.
Singer, propaganda film star and politician Yoshiko Yamaguchi, who died in 2014 aged 94, walked the line between the China of her birth and the Japan of her ancestry; accused of collaboration with the Japanese, the actress whose stage name was Li Xian Lan took her performing talents to Japan, Hollywood, Broadway and Hong Kong. Later in life, Yamaguchi worked as a television journalist covering Palestine and Vietnam War before serving 18 years in the Japanese parliament.
Agenda is the perfect place for you to check out a range of LGBT events across the region. Whether its big mega circuit parties, LGBT gatherings, movie premieres, discussion forums, workshops, demonstrations, or pride marches you will find all of the hottest and must go LGBT events from the Asia region here. Events are listed by region and time. So just browse around to see what’s happening around you. Anyone can upload their own LGBT event to share with Fridae’s online community.
Into FUN and Friendship in San Diego and Southern California to accompany me to varied activities and RV camping; partial to younger Asian and Latino guys.