i really dont know if this is a hook up app or a dating app but im not looking to hook up, i am way too awkward for that. im looking for girl(yes trans girls included) to bond with and come to love maybe, or not thats ok too. looking for a relationship involving sex eventually, but im fine with waiting as long as you need. pisces, i am really shy and awkward until you meet me in person and we click, so please keep in mind that i will open up eventually. i would not consider time spent with you a waste if it didnt work out. i am looking for someone calm, who can lay with me get high and watch a kids movie. no one who chews tobacco or dips please its just too gross if im going to be kissing you..
女性 | 27 | 5' 9"174cm / 178lbs81kg | 白人
Charleston, West Virginia, United States
对象为任何人作为朋友, 恋人
在线上: 8年以前