Ever wondered why gay and lesbian youths tend to prefer some clubs and societies over others in school? Alvin Tan takes a tongue-in-dimpled-cheek look at various extra-curricular activities and assesses how they fare as homo-magnets.
Fire Sia explains why we cannot do without the word "if" and why we should say it with caution during heated arguments in response to a reader who wrote to her asking why her girlfriend always says "if".
Sharing the results of a recent study on Australian gay and lesbian youths, Fridae explores the reasons why many gay and lesbian youths today choose to go on-line in search of their own communities.
As part of our focus on youth in December, Fridae is pleased to publish three growing up gay stories contributed by three of our gay and lesbian readers.
Lesbians are widely thought not to cruise or have one-night stands, casual and paid sex. Are the girls really wired differently from the boys when it comes to sex? Our Hong Kong writer Vicky Yau asks around.
In this second and final instalment, we look at the reasons why gay & lesbian teenagers turn to suicide, warning signs and what can be done to keep them from going over the edge.
Adolescence can be a very trying period and may even be more confusing and challenging especially for gay or lesbian teenagers. Without any support or guidance, suicide may seem like the only remaining avenue of escape.
Have you ever felt like you are losing your will and/or skill to communicate needs, wants and frustrations to your partner although you seem to be in a stable relationship? Fire Sia has some advice for you.
Is it true that gays and lesbians would count their school days as being the most harrowing part of their homosexual existence? Alvin Tan finds out what is it like being gay in school today.