Excerpted from a report in The Jakarta Globe:

In a country where homosexuality is taboo and where many Indonesians still refuse to acknowledge gay people, it’s especially challenging for an organization such as Violet Grey to operate in Aceh, which is allowed to implement partial Shariah law.
Continuously living in the shadows, gays, lesbians, and cross-dressers are seen as a disgrace to the province’s self-proclaimed “religious society.” Not surprisingly they suffer frequent discrimination and often abusive treatment.
“We were born as Muslim, as Acehnese. Is it true that we are not part of Islam?” asked “Toni,” a gay activist and member of Violet Grey.
“In Aceh, the implementation of Shariah touches on symbols such as headscarves or changing street names to Arabic letters without really addressing people’s desires of prosperity and justice. I think we are in the process of Talibanization.”
Toni grew into his homosexual identity when he was studying at an Islamic boarding school at the age of 14. “I thought by studying in a pesantren [Islamic boarding school] , it would cure my homosexuality.”
He was wrong. “In an Islamic boarding school, where life is segregated by gender, I met my first love,” he said, laughing.
Toni added that when Islamic boarding schools separate boys from girls as a way to prevent promiscuity, it actually enables some boys to discover their homosexual identity.
In Aceh, we have "fear the schools loos" by fanatical Moslems.
It's always about THEM-these self righteous sham of a so called religion. Africa and Aceh are still recovering from their post civil war remnants but choose to focus on totally irrelevant matters as persecuting LGBT. With their nations mired in poverty, it's no wonder they get stuck in time with all their maze of greed and power games invented by political power brokers to ensure further control through chaos. Sad.
Sometimes, it can be said, every nation deserves its own fate by its own making.
To me this somehow sums up the problem.
Human beings are born as... human beings, not "as Muslim" or "as Acehnese"...
Sadly, the second we're born we're litterally kidnapped by our family along with its country, religion, fears, hopes, past, taboos, etc... they're called called "roots". Roots indeed. Roots that keep us from walking out of the prison and even make us love it.
That's where being gay can turn out to be a blessing, because it can help us question our beloved prison.
Aceh goverment is not representing a whole of Indonesia. They want to have syariah law...is their choice, and if you wanna feel free for being gay? get out from Aceh and live in other state in Indonesia.
Indonesia is not an islamic state, they are Republic and under Republic legal systems. They had 2 ministers were openly gay and we knew that. But who cares they did a briliant job. Aceh needs to grow up. Indonesia is the only country in the world who celebrates 5 religius day as a national public holiday since 1945. I dont even see if US or UK will do the same.
I do respect Aceh Islamic Law but I dont believe of what ever rules they made eventhought I am also born in islamic family.
Lashing out at Indonesia for what goes on in Aceh is like condemning a whole family because one of its members commited a crime. I personnally love Indonesia, have been going there for almost 30 years and have many muslim Indonesian friends who are peace-loving and tolerant people.
nzcrew I must add that your last sentence is somewhat enigmatic... you "respect" islamic law but you don't "believe" whatever rules they make... hum hum... Personnally I don't respect ANY kind of law that is based on archaic prejudice, sexism and intolerance even (and especially) if it is wearing the dubious mantle of religious virtue.
Regarding to your comment:
"Aceh goverment is not representing a whole of Indonesia. They want to have syariah law...is their choice, and if you wanna feel free for being gay? get out from Aceh and live in other state in Indonesia. "
I think it's really unfair to ask gay people to leave their state in order to live a gay life:
1. Simply kicking gay-people out from Aceh will not be a good solution. Even if all gay adults leave Aceh, there will be more gay kids being born in Aceh.
2. Not everyone is fortunate enough LIKE YOU or even ME, to have the resources and education to settle down overseas. With little earning power, low wages, and low level of education. Do you really think ALL of them can migrate? Some would be able to, but have compassion for those who can't afford migrating.
Anyway. Keep commenting.
I think expressing opinion is a healthy way to shape our own, since it leads to healthy discussion.
I just want to clarify that when you mentioned Aceh thats mean Aceh and not Indonesia. I respect any sort of religius rules, not only for islam but also for christian, hindu, budha etc. Eventho I am not too sure if that rules and believes are right. Such us:
Islam: Men can marry 5 women. Women is always below Men etc
Chatolic: Pray to Jesus and Maria etc. Priest can forgive your sins etc
Hindu: Reincarnation etc
But I do respect all of them. My thought was I do believe a lot of these rules are Man made and not from God it self.
Yes there are a fanatical groups in Indonesia and Malaysia but there is no way they can change the way of Indonesian Islamic systems. I am feeling sorry for all Acehnese gays and lesbians but I suggest if they could move to their neighbour state like North Sumatera or Riau Province where gays are more acceptable there. Yes there is no protection for gays and lesbian in Indonesia but they know we are exist and occupied most of the works in Restaurant, entertainment, Television, etc....and they love it. Most of my friends in Indonesia are gays and they are find ...oh yes they can not kiss in public thats all. This is the same thing like being white walking down in Johanesburg right?
anyway thanks for your comment. Regards, Boyke
clour = colour
shrews = screws
excist = exist
Jens = lazy :-)))
PS. and plaese don't scraem at me, I'm olny joknig !
Well have been thinking seriously, just want to share, could this man be right?
i just want to know what you all think, please think it verywell b4 replying.
Leaving aside all research, many homosexuals in religious communities and outside have been forced by society to be straight, have grown up to become straight and a lot of them have actually grown up thinking they are straight. Some of them went through years of therapy after discovering homosexual tendencies, got married with kids. 9 out of 10 turned back to homosexuality at some point in their life often doing great harm to their wives. Do you really think that people go through such a struggle and pain, defying their apparent true identity as a heterosexual, sometimes ruin or lose their lives just because they dont want to grow up?
Besides that, Whereever you come on earth the ratio of homosexuals among the rest of society is more or less the same.
Lots of homosexuals and transgenders already know their identity from a very early age. Look at little kids. Some boys starting to play with dolls and dresses instead of trucks when they are 2 or 3 years old. Do you really think these little kids show early signs that they "don't want to grow up"?
If I look at 2 of my friends - a gay couple, both very wise man with adopted children, helping society wherever they can. Did they not grow up? they seem to be more grown up as many straight people I know. And if their homosexual identity would be a psycological hick up, would it matter? I dont think so.
Maybe we need to be staying a bit boyish in order to avoid becoming stiff and repressed tarts. I wouldnt be surprised if I would meet that man you met some day hovering around in a gay bar after finally having come to terms with who he really is.
and i don't admit the significance of those moments to the construction of ourselves as gay individuals. however, after puberty the plays changed into something serious, and these were not some kind of hold on to my childhood. even i have a lot of heterosexual friends of different ages of both genders, who also refuse to grow up and they don't go gay. so, i don't think i agree with that man you encountered.
And i started think, people say it was natural in them, and i ask myself,if it is, why is there not a Gay dog, A gay lion, A gay elephant, a Gay cat, a Gay chicken. It should not be present in only we humans.
I have carried out research and see, that it is we humans that calim it is natural in us, that confuses me.
On your quote that it seems like its coming from a boyhood experience and therefore it's something you want to keep on doing is
very odd logic. If boys experiment with girls when they are 14 is that therefore an experience limited to boyhood if they keep doing it with girls? A lot of boys experiment with boys when they are young because it sometimes more accessible. Most of them switch to girls because they are in fact straight. Some continue with that because they are gay. Some gay boys experiment with girls in their teens and switch to guys because they are gay.
There are several animals that engage in same sex encounters (bononos probably the most famous example). Even if they wouldnt, would all animals (including humans) have to have the same behavior? Seahorses are probably the only animals where fathers give birth to their kids. Is it unnatural because the rest of the animals don't do it like that. Is diversity necessarily unnatural? And even if it is "unnatural", whatever that means, would that be a problem?
Colegarcia, if you feel ashamed and troubled about who you are, why dont you seek professional help? Professionals all over the world have affirmed that "curing homosexuality" is impossible, but getting some therapy might help you at least to deal with your inner conflict. Good luck!
Aceh has had its own kind of Islam which has been coined as "fundamentalist" but I am not sure at all what this really means. They have managed to have their own spiritual identity without the help of any shariah police, in the past. I haven't been there but all those I know who have been say the Achenese are very sweet people.
I hope you gain some insights from this book: Evolution's Rainbow by Roughgarden. the argument presented in this book is infact an ongoing scientific debate in scientist community because she challenges 1 of many Darwin's evolution theory that has been regarded a valid theory in biology field. It is a fun literary that is way from being boring. Have fun reading; I did.