Work is hard enough without the added pressure of having to come out. Jim Fillman, a psychotherapist offers some advice that might make the process a little easier.
Being Asian in a predominantly Anglo environment is often difficult enough, but for an Asian gay man the pressures of being accepted are even harsher. Arthur Chen shares his experience about being a double minority in London.
Is gay pride in Asia different from the US? Steven Carlisle shares the stories of 2 Thai gay men who have lived in the US for an extended period and a Chinese-American lesbian about accommodating themselves to the demands of the two cultures they straddle.
Are you living in Asian country that broadcasts Queer as Folk? Fire Sia would like to know as she shares her thoughts on censorship on the tube and on the Internet.
What happens when a lesbian finds herself attracted to a man? Does that automatically make her a bisexual? Fire Sia takes this opportunity to explore the issue as her friend confides in her.